Justina Žemaitytė, winner of the cult show "Shock with me", had her daughter: her brother named | names


Good news 15min confirmed by the dancer himself. She had a husband with her husband on Friday.

"My boyfriend and I are feeling good, everything is fine," says Justina Žemaitytė with a smile

Son-breeding couples get their daughter this time. She has already been able to name her name.

"We named Liepa not only because now it is this month, this title has already been chosen by the brother", – 15min laughed a dancer.

  Index photographer photographer / Justina and Tadas Gauchi

Index photographer photographer / Justina and Tada Gauti

that she felt much calmer when she was nursing a second child.

"Perhaps, like most others, my second pregnancy is easier, I feel good, I'm still working, I want to finish my school year with my dancers, then I go on vacation in the summer. Justina

A professional dancer is known to viewers.In 2012, Justina with actor and singer Dominique Vaitiekūn becomes very popular.

  Index photographer photographer / Justina and Tadas Gaučai with his son Jurgis [19659011] Photography index photography / Justina and Tadas Gaučai with his son Jurgis </p>
<p>  <em> 15min </em> reminds us of the dance project "Shock with me" winners that the first son of George the pair had in July 2015 And just after three years, the second child was born. </p>
<p>  Justina and Tada were married <u> in the summer of 2014 in Nida </u> The newlyweds <u> copied honey in the Caribbean exotic </u></p>
<p>  A dancer with his beloved Tadu Gautici brought his pbadion for kite troops. Tadas is a veterinarian, a barber. </p>
<p>  As previously written the portal <em> 15min, </em> the couple met when five years ago, in summer Justina Žemaitytė decided to learn how to navigate on a board with a deer -flight </p>
<p>  project "Shock with me". In 2009, she danced with choreographer Gytis Ivanauskas and took the 3rd place. She became the winner of the project with her actor and singer Dominique Vaitiekun in 2012. </p>
<p>  <em> <strong> Still a few moments of life: </strong></em></p>
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