Karolina Liukaitytė married a girl of a lonely 13-year-old girl wearing jeans


On the day of the ceremony, the couple did not want to be mind-blowing and only started to say that she chose the fabulous Friday 13th day entirely by accident. For the official ceremony, they did not pick up and dress clothes. Only two of them arrived at the Palace of Marriage and wore a white T-shirt and fashioned jeans. The only sacred accents are the bouquet of white flowers and high-heeled blouses that the young man has created.

"Ups, we certainly have not planned the date accidentally.The celebration will be for friends, but today it is only an official part", – a said A. Čelkis with a smile.

Chelkienė did not find the woman known about her plans for lovers' trips. The couple wanted to stay for themselves, just like the same party, which was attended by the closest friends and relatives.

Some time ago in the 29-year-old LNK woman "From … To …" she was told that she was ephemeral. As soon as the media revealed that she was different from her beloved, men attacked her, offering her not just legal help but also consolation and the only chance she could. attention, but she did not agree with his love for men's attention. I do not believe in the benevolence of men simply because of the beautiful eyes. "One of those who was paying attention to him at that time was his current friend Andrius Čelkis, president of the Kiokusin Karate Federation in Vilnius, is interested in saying that he does not did not watch TV and that he really did not know if it was different or was working

"Until you're alone, you can not create beautiful relationships." I do not have to say openly that I feel very happy and I'm not afraid to stop it, "said K. Liukaitytė, in the company of the 13-year-old athlete who says he is particularly happy and loved


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