Karolina Meschin rejoices again in love: her new sympathy – rapper Remigijus | names


In recent months, Caroline Meschin's followers have often seen the group's "Flying Saucer Gang" in their social networking accounts. The girl continued to share videos of their concerts, hobbies and parties.

Yet, it turns out that Karolina Meschin not only likes music created by rap artists, but also one of the members. New love of the girlfriend – Rapper Remigijus

  Sigismund Gedvilla, photo of the band of flying saucers / Carolina Meschin and Remigijus

Sigismund Gedvilla, Photo of the band of flying saucers / Carolina Meschin and Remigijus

Sunday morning ] 15min was a clear proof – a video clip by which the public Carolyn and Remigio captured the shimmering. A moment of emotion was captured during the Flying Saucer Gang concert in Palanga.

Earlier, on Saturday, Karolina had declared on her Instagram account that she was promising to go to the show in the evening.

  Plan of arrest / Karolina Meschin and Remigijus

Plan stop / Karolina Meschin and Remigijus

Watch the video:

VIDEO: ] Karolina Meschina

15min with Karolina Meschin himself has not been successful since Sunday morning. But in the evening, the girl sent her message to her disciples.

"I'm finally angry with all the negatives I get at the last time. There are limits to everything. In recent times, they are completely overwhelmed. People live in your life and do not interfere with others, "said Carolina Meschin.

VIDEO: Flying Saucer Gang – ICE (1965)]

  recalls Carolina last week officially feisbuke reported that after two years of friendship with Jon Misewich, he returned in various ways. </p>
<p>  "For a long time in the public space, there is no no debate on my relationship with John. In order to prevent any complaints and dissemination of misleading information, I point out that we have not been in a relationship with Jonah for a long time. </p>
<p>  All year, all year, was beautiful and full of wonderful moments, however, contrary to our interests. Also, I emphasize that this text is my only comment on this subject ", – Karolina Meschin, who announced Feisbuke this time. </p>
<p>  For several years, Karolina Meschin and Jonas Misevičius have traveled in several countries of the world and made tattoos Identical to New York. </p>
<p>  In the spring of this year, both became models of wedding ring photo shoots as well as the tempting photo shoot. </p>
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