Katy Perry openly told her about a serious illness that has shaken her


But compared to other albums of this singer, he did not succeed: the first week, only 180,000 copies were sold. His prints, when fans of the album "Prism" appeared in 2013, were hit by 286,000 in the first week. Recalling this difficult time, the 33-year-old star of Australian magazine Vogue admits that it caused her a "situational depression".

"I am tortured by situational depression outbreaks, and last year my heart shattered because I gave a lot of reaction to the public and the public did not not react as expected … it broke my heart. "

In 2011, released the album" Teenage Dream "by K. Perry in first position with hits of the same The album number reached Michael Jackson, but in 2017 she reached her Career platter.

"Music is my first love and I think the universe has tried to say," Well, you're talking about love for yourself and authenticity. " checking and we will remove any mark of approval from you.It is then that we look at how much you really like. "

Although it was a difficult and long time at the time, Perry said it gave him a whole new way of life.

"This vulnerability and my greater and higher power openness and the relationship with the deity have given me the fullness that I have never had." That gave me a new foundation This is not only a material foundation: it is the foundation of the soul, "she said.

K. Perry also admitted that he has recovered when he began visiting a $ 4,000 weekly program for personal growth in Hoffman, California in January

"I was ready to disclose anything that prevented me from being true to me. "Vogue added that now, when he sees the depressed boyfriend, he is presented with a gift certificate from this institution.

" I recommend it to everyone, to my good friends and other artists who need to break. Many people seek approval through listeners, through addictive materials, or constantly fleeing reality – denial or withdrawal.

The decoration of the cover of Australian Vogue, in photographs published by K. Perry in the magazine, also reveals a different aspect.
In a photo, the singer appears with a white multilayer medium

In another black and white photo, K. Perry poses with light, short hair, with a long haircut – a line of curly hair pointing to a slim and sturdy female form.
The song Roar performs currently meets the British actor Orlando Bloom.

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