Kedaini found the 30-year-old girl: see what she looks like now


Internet, a print full of varied photographs, that we remember a little more than ever, because everything is so fast that we just have to stop to look, to dig and feel, because we can not follow everyone. Do we really need to follow? Or maybe it's enough to set a limit, how much do we want to see, hear, interest? To be able to remember something later, feel a feeling.

I did not mention sentimentally for nothing. From Kedainiai's photographer, Zilvinas Menschikov, I interviewed one of my articles

In fact, he told me an incredible story full of feelings and that is really worth telling separately. . I would like to share with you, dear readers.

Long research yielded fruit

This happened more than thirty years ago. In 1985, a young, novice photographer photographed a little girl and sent a photo to the "Kedainiai and Kėdainiai" contest. It seems that there was nothing special – a photo of several. But only in Zilvinas, since it was the first picture printed in his diary.

For each beginner, seeking his goals and dreams, each recognition is of paramount importance. Zilvinas was no exception: his first photo in the newspaper is a big step towards the dream come true! Therefore, this photograph is special in his life.

"I feel very great feelings for her," confessed the photographer at the beginning of the conversation. "I was looking for a long time, maybe for a year or more, but I really wanted to find that little girl."

Žilvinas talked about what happened later about Irina. She came to her shooting at the celebration in the city park.

Thirty years later, the photographer wanted to find her poster and see what she looks like and lives today. The search was not very easy and the fast but persistent photographer did not give up his hands.

On Facebook's social network, I put this old photo and I announced that I was looking for these girls. I did not find anything for the first time, "said the interlocutor.-It was a possible year and I tried again.And then I found it!" [19659006] Irina Bitvinskiene was the little girl in the picture. The woman, as she said, did not hesitate to be sure that she was looking for him.

"After getting up in the morning, I always went on Facebook to see what's going on in the world. One of the friends shared the information that she was looking for a girl to be there for 30 years and a photo of the newspaper. I was there! – Irina told me laughing. – I realized right away that he was looking for me because I had a collection of this photo

At that time, this photo was also on my Facebook account. It was very unexpected. It's been so many years … I immediately woke up to see her husband. I really liked that. After all, I sent all the friends to see. I felt really special! "

Repeated Story

A woman even wrote to the photographer and she called him with a proposal.

" Since I've already found, I'd like to take a picture again, as well Zilvinas wanted to crown a successful search. – It was just for me, I did not intend to publish anywhere. It's also my first picture printed in a newspaper. It was very important to me. "

Irina rejoiced not only for herself, but also for the photographer that he managed to achieve one of his dreams." 19659006 "I realized that it was important for this person to find this girl.Also, a free photo shoot was promising," laughed the interlocutor. – To my knowledge, it was the second attempt to find me. The first, unfortunately, failed, and the second, I responded very quickly. I think he (Zilvinas – ed.) Rejoiced even more than me, as his research lasted all year long.

There were many exclamations of joy in his words. I signed up immediately after announcing that I was the one she was looking for. "

Zilvinas also admitted that she was very happy with the results of the research, only, of course, as usual for men, much more sober.

that she was able to to find this girl, although it seemed almost impossible after so many years, – the photographer was surprised – I photographed her in the park, on the same benches, in the same place where the first photo was made, we tried to restore everything as it was more than thirty years ago. "

Or maybe it was not her …

The interlocutors take their mood and their beautiful memories in a different world surrounded by a special aura. It seems that you are close, that you look at everything and that you leave this great emotion. Both, like parents, would have ended up after many years of absence.

"I was very good, I was filled with unique emotions," said the photographer. "We do a lot of projects that give good emotions, but it's a special case." Irina, who shared this story with her loved ones, does not owe her too much.

"The parents were also surprised and rejoiced with me. This event made it necessary to review once again the photos of his childhood, to recall those carefree moments. It is no secret that we do this extremely seldom ", – women were dedicated to memory and nostalgia

Žilvinas was happy that everyone was benevolent

" Because a woman of the same age could respond to this announcement. – said the interlocutor. – She (Irina – red.) Immediately opened the album and showed the album in which she was. "

Irina is also very happy that she can see the original diary with her photo." As she says, this little girl was only one and a half years old

"In fact I do not really remember that day. I know that at that time there was a kind of celebration and there were so many people in the park. At that time, I was with my grandmother and my mother (as we see their shoes in the photo), Irina was talking happily.

– I was particularly interested. Žilvinas also showed the diary that I had kept because I only had a photo of the clip and I had not seen the newspaper. "

Not only was the story special, but the encounter was also special

.His daughter also traveled.But not because of a close and silent excitement.The causes were much simpler.

"When I went to the meeting, I was not worried at all because I was only hoping to get to know the photographer. I was not ready for the photo shoot. I thought it would be a different time for that – the women shared their memories. – When I arrived in Zilvinas, he decided that we could do the photo shoot the same day.

I had to take his daughter from school that day and, of course, I had to change her. So we agreed to meet in a few hours. So, it came out that the girl came with me. "

I said that this story and these two people are extraordinary kinds." "I'm not lying." Irina recalls that the weather was not the most suitable for the session. promised photos, but the atmosphere and its unique feeling did not tarnish it.

"I did professional makeup, I felt particularly good. I remember that the day was rainy, but Zilvinas said that he always succeeded and, when there would be a photo shoot, a nil. You will not believe it, but it was! – Fortunately surprised Irina. – I am always surprised that we now know what to invite as a photographer, because we have not only a photographer but also a good weather. The photos were very beautiful.

As we were with our daughter, they also took pictures of us. Now I have a collection of new and beautiful photos and the most memorable memories. "

At that time, eight of Irina's daughters were very interested in what was happening.It already knew the whole story because she had told her mother. However, when it was necessary to take part in a photo shoot, the girl was corpulent according to her mother.

"It was not that he was told to take a picture," laughs Irina [19659004] Irina's story does not stop there, we may hear about her continuation a few decades later because the interlocutor's daughter has also fallen into the photographer's lens

"We have a picture of a girl who was printed in the newspaper. We keep this collection. She was 2 years old at that time. Then a village festival took place. I told her that she could look for something after so many years. "Irina remembers her story.

Now that she was tired of some time and emotion, the woman admitted that there was a storm in her inner future." At that time, I I felt really happy because, as you say, such things are rare. More than anything, perhaps, I feel happy about Žilvinas, that I have found a girl so long sought after. I thought it was interesting to see her as an adult woman after thirty years.

I was happy to meet a great photographer and get a whole bunch of new experiences, "a dreamy graduate girl from a conversation and to share memories . The project, when he was looking for his shotgun, did it for the first time. Has the generation still said something like that, could not say that far. But discovered that contemporary people are not so …

"The best photographer estimate when people come back to you for a second, third time.But these people are" current ", they do not create such a feeling, "said the interlocutor. – I've photographed a lot of people at weddings, baptisms, events …

In 2014, I did an badysis of the number of faces I've photographed. With modern technology, it is certainly possible. A special program that detects the faces in the photos has shown that such faces are nearly 170,000. So many people have gone through my lens for many years, and how many others will they be … "[19659006] Rasa JAKUBAUSKIENĖ

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