Klaipeda cultivates a huge and rare dog


"My Baby" – this charming pet of spectacular size is called his housewife Edita Nurmi. The formidable dog, who previously valued the knights of the saddle in the wars, is not afraid today. When he entered Edit's office, he only got up slowly, then trained himself with the hostess, and he himself did not let go of any sound with which he was angry.

"I will rebuild the 9th-12th centuries. Curious Viking dishes, I participate in various festivals, so antiquity is very close to my heart. I really liked that this dog is so real, its archaic appearance, "says Edita, who thought to buy a very rare wolfbike. According to his knowledge, there are only six in Lithuania in total

The full name of the dog Magnus Malahide Khlan, in the ancient Norwegian language, means big, powerful. "A man sometimes calls Magnus Maximus" – sings Edita

The dogs of the king

This dog is not for nothing the wolf-dog – the nineteenth century. In Ireland, this breed has eradicated almost all wolves.

For the first time in the written documents, they were mentioned in about I a. The Romans then rejoiced at them as a new discovery to help win victories in the battles.

"When they attack enemy riders, the Romans send them hunters rather than dogs, but dogs, the werewolf had to jump on a rider and ride with a horse," the Romans described a new strategy

Later, in the Middle Ages, wolf rattles became the dogs of kings and forbade mere mortals, Wolfhound as a gift to the king was considered a gesture of great respect.

They were quite rare but the kings raised them not one but two.A very often a puppy given to the princes was his bodyguard

"The Prince of Wales, Leveline, returned from the hunt, saw the son of a Wolf in the bloody nose of Gelert, "tells Edita to the legend – He immediately went to the castle and found the birthplace of a son, and around a lot of blood.Worried, thinking that the wolf hat had tore his child, killed him with a sword. 9659002] However, the wolf was watched and injured near the wolf, and when the wolf released the last distress, the baby's crying also came out. It turned out that the wolf wanted to attack the son, and the werewolves defended him. Then a monument was built on Gelertu. In Edit's house, the wolf's eyes did not appear so often and in general – a man contradicted, two years ago, the woman's desire to cultivate a gigantic dog at home. Even if it's a warning – if Edita buys a wolf, she will not have a husband at home. "It's the first time he's been telling me" no "during the 18th year of his life," laughs the owner of Magnus

A woman considers that if she had not had a serious illness in bed, her wallet probably would not have appeared at home. "The man then came to bed, took it and said," Well, what are you lying here? After all, you wanted a dog. What did not you take from him? "I do not know if he really wanted to go get the dog, or it was just an attempt to get me out of bed, but I pulled out of the car and drove 2,500 with my nephew. km in three days and I took it ", – remembers Edita.

Vilkogaudis is bought on the outskirts of Poland, although they are not lacking in neighboring Latvia.According to Edit, in Poland, all nine puppies, including Magnus, were born from their birth, and she was very concerned about the puppy's great psychological state.

"When he went home, he had to come and go, he m 39 lifted off the bed. The man immediately said, do not look at me, so I did not look at it, "she adds. – And for the first time when I lost consciousness on the stairs, the dog was 4 months old, he was terribly scared, I woke up and I flopped like that.

From that day, I sat down I will get up, go behind. Never let a ladder climb, always hang on and always put a hand on it, otherwise it looks at me. "

Rarely – because of the size

According to Edit, walrus is so rare, mainly because of its size, and its height reaches more than 2 meters on the hind legs and reaches 90 kg. Magnus is young, he is only 11 months old and should still grow at least 20 kilograms.

However, when asked how much a giant falls, Edita laughs and says d & # 39; to hear this question constantly, and the answer is surprising.

Magnus owns 60 square meters of house. Living room, where he lives and his family comes to see the television on the guests.

According to Edit, raise the hair of the Wolf is not as comfortable as a small dog.Magnus could not adapt to a small Citroën, which helped me to go from the capital to Klaipeda. " Finding who to leave is probably a big challenge.

"But he imagines that he is very small," laughs Edita with a photo showing o Magnus left knees.

Trampling is rare and because of its short life Walk without leash

According to Edit, people who are stranded in the street react very differently – some just move quietly, others from the street get rush to greet. Magnus himself reacts calmly to everything, he is used to humans and sounds.

And guiding him without a leash, he does not endanger the surrounding dog because he is so attached to the hostess that he does not stop at more than two meters

He is very tall, people are not afraid of him. Perhaps because he is very calm and peaceful towards you. We never knew how to run and leave because the house has a cat and a Yorkshire Terrier. We do not allow him to run and leave, so that the hunting gene that is found there does not turn on ", – the hostess spoke about the peculiarities of Magnus training

Magnus Edita went to a canine psychologist, after doing some tests, had to go through too much love, but the hand had to be strict, but every day we worked, climbed and left the machine. With the team, and we still had to stop. "

Edita's neat work was done in relation to others – to make everyone feel safe with such a wolf. .

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