Klaipėda remained unsmiling: the city's new brand provoked a real storm


Just before the long weekend, the municipality of the port city issued a message saying that Klaipeda State Day is celebrating its renewal.

"The last time the brand was updated more than ten years ago The time has come for citizens and residents across the country and their foreign partners or tourists to introduce Klaipėda to another – a rapid advance in all areas ", – Vilija Venckutė-Palaitienė, Head of the Information and E-Service Division of the Klaipėda Communal Administration

Photo of the Klaipėda Municipality / The new Klaipėda brand has caused a storm

of family women inspired by freedom, the city that is at the seaside. In practice, our life takes place, if not on the water, at the edge of the water, we see our daily routine on the surface of the water.Reason for reflection selected – what the letter K reflects ", – V.Venckute-Palaitienė

The authors of the new sign are Marius Vaupas and Gintas Lapėnas. These specialists know the specifics of the image of In 1966, they created the logo of Vilnius

It was announced in the report that the mark created by Alora to the municipality amounted to 6655 EUR

. badumed that the contract provided two additional parts – the use of brand management and the communicative part. The entire contract cost the municipality more than 24 thousand euros. There was no contest for the creation of the brand. More than that, it was said that he felt the plagiarism, a designer Dalius Stuoka created a similar brand in 2015.

Trust to the same developers

Since the copyright holds the trademark protection to renew the brand, we appealed to the creators, The situation was explained to the media representatives gathered in the municipality Monday at a press conference in the city

after Klaipėda. Saulius Budinas, the director of the administration of the municipality, entrusted the mark to the same people who created the smile. "Given that copyright has the trademark protection to renew the brand, we appealed to the creators who created the brand" Free Style ", Klaipėda was successful, the trust of the authors was ", – said S. Budin.

  Photo of Klaipėda municipality / Old Klaipeda mark

Photo of Klaipėda municipality / Old Klaipėda mark

After S. Budino as the price of a 24 thousand euro token , its user manual and communication in the badessment of the current market situation and other brands created in Lithuania are adequate.

The user manual clearly defines where and how a mark can be used. According to S. Budin, sizes are used for souvenirs, flags, shirts, etc.

The motto is the letter K

Asked what is seen in the new sign that the inhabitants of Klaipėda say do not understand, S. Booty states that Klaipėda is badociated with letter K, as well as with two buildings in Klaipeda – K and D buildings located in the city center

"There was a desire to have such a mark that would be easily recognizable," said S. Butin. The sign was approved by the partners with whom the Blue Breakthrough strategy was approved, a sign repeatedly debated in the image commission.

"We had a very close discussion, the discussions were different." Asked about the fact that he personally liked this sign, S.Budin joked that artists' works were not recognized. that after a while, and if this sign caused so much emotion, everyone was very worried.

After hearing speculation about plagiarism, to talk about it quite prematurely. At present, an application is filed with the Patent Office, and patents can take up to five months.

Expresses Protest

The Klaipėda Branch of the Union Lithuanian photograph released Monday a report announcing that the artists refuse to use the new sign of the city of Klaipeda

"In response to the situation No dialogue has been initiated with the inhabitants of the city , community of the cultural community of the city the port, information and links already published in the public area stating that the new sign is plagiarized, photographs of the mark representing the clip clearly visible from Shutterstock. Photos extracted, a video clip representing the mark has already been removed from the website of the municipality;) We inform this in our documents of information on future cultural events (e-mails, posters, flyers, other representative material) we will not use the newly created brand city.

We are an organization that respects copyright, promotes the legal acquisition of photographs, and their legitimate use. We believe that this situation is undesirable, and the published result (with all the legal, creative and moral aspects) is inappropriate for the culture of the port city, "writes the report

. not defend or praise, nor contemplate, nor exalt, but I want to believe that the point in this story is that this kind of excitement has appeared, when the uprising of such a reaction of society testifies that there is this Some gaps in this process, It has not yet been provided, especially since in the public space there are already many reflections on some similarities with signs already very similar. First of all, what matters to me as a city chief – have all the procedures really been performed as mandatory and in fact all of them? Have the task and requirements been clearly defined and, of course, the criteria for evaluating the work done? Are the costs realistic, reasonable and adequate? Are we expecting fuses (and are they sufficient) to protect against plagiarism or any other real risk? After seeing social networks on Sunday, Vytautas Grubliauskas, the mayor of Klaipeda, declined to comment.

On Monday, the city chief badured that the new sign did not inspire him from the first impression.

"In comparison with a smile, I do not smile, but I find myself with such a tremor, as evidenced by the reaction of society. that there are some shortcomings in this process, "said the mayor, asking the administration to provide all the documents and an explanation that he would not follow this process.The mayor wondered why the sign of the old smile was no longer comforting for the administration

VIDEO: Vytautas Grubliauskas on the possible plagiarism of the new brand Klaipėda

Presented several versions

The authors of the mark do themselves a tremendous job.

Mr. Vaupash told the media that similar signs can be found since ancient times – Sumerians, Egyptian civilizations, medieval or modern, in the past,

"We have been working for three months – some 150 variants of the old logo will be loaded, we have arrived four times. Eight directions were chosen, but a decision was made in mid-December that a radical change should be made. This was probably due to the strategy of 2030. Although our technical task did not do this, we started, at our expense, to develop new options in good faith. There were probably up to ten directions again and three were sucked up, until this option was finally abandoned. Our concept was a reflection, which prevails in all communication, and in the case of Dalius is more ornamental. This green replica gives more than a belt of ornaments.

There is certainly some overlap in the world. For the logo to look like this, I do not deny it, but to say that we lose it would be very unethical. But such a coincidence, the incident for us is a very big surprise. We would have seen, you know, everything would have been different. I do not have Dalius's phone, I wrote him an email yesterday, but he has not answered yet. I want to introduce him to our work. Lithuania is a small nation, small resources, it is necessary to cooperate ", – the portal Open cargo explained Mr. Vaupas

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