Launch of the international initiative Ride4Women in Kaunas: invites to fight against cancer of the cervix of the uterus


For five years, the anti-cancer campaign Ride4Women, which crosses Europe, arrives in Lithuania this year: it invites to meet in Kaunas on July 6th. At the meeting of the Kaunas Clinics, all those who wish will have the opportunity to better know the prevention of cervical cancer prevention and to deter Ride4Women members from going on a trip or even joining the initiative of cycling on the 135 km of Vilnius. ] Ride4Women is an international cancer initiative set up annually by organizing a long bike ride through European countries. This initiative was initiated by Austrian Oncogynecologist René Laky and his wife, Monika Laky.

This campaign aims to highlight the shocking statistics of the incidence of cervical cancer in European countries and the importance of early diagnosis of cancer. July 2, the two-week bike, about 158 ​​participants in the initiative – former patients, doctors, representatives of pharmaceutical and other organizations – have the intention to drop 1758 km, their route crosses nine European cities: Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Minsk, Lublin, Kelcus, Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna. The participants of the initiative call 200 km a day, hundreds of supporters of the initiative meet in different cities – with me symbolic distances.

July 6 invites to walk pedals

Ride4Women will arrive in Kaunas on July 6, to meet all those who are in need to call at the Obstetrics and Hospitals Clinic. Gynecology, Kaunas Clinics (Eivenių St. 2), 9:30

There are three ways to enter. The easiest of them is to leave the Ride4Women team from Kaunas to Vilnius, through which they will move to the final destination, Vienna. The second is to accompany the team with a slow 5 km run, a bike path through the old town of Kaunas, and not just words but also actions to support the Ride4Women mission. The third way is for road cyclists – with members of the Ride4Women team up to Vilnius about 135 km, an average of about 30 kilometers per hour.

Those who want to go together to Vilnius are contacted by the organizers via the account Ride4Women on the social network Facebook "

The initiative Ride4Women is supported and implemented by the European Society of Gynecologic Oncologists and Oncologists ( ESGO) and Roche, a leading pharmaceutical and diagnostic company specializing in the prevention and treatment of oncology diseases, including cervical cancer .. To help and help spread the message of Ride4Women, some of Roche's staff will also be able to sit on the bike at least 5 kilometers away with the initiative team

The numbers are impressive [19659002] According to one of the pioneers of the initiative Ride4Women, Lithuanians Monika Laky, this year's campaign aims to increase the incidence of cervical cancer, one of the four women most affected by cancer

"In Lithuania, the number of cases of cervical cancer is one of the highest in Europe. Every day in Lithuania, about 2 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every 2 days after the death of a woman. Although 93% had an early diagnosis and a treatment appointment. Cases of cervical cancer are cured, "says Laky

Every year, 528,000 people are diagnosed with the disease. new cases of uterine cervix cancer, 266,000 deaths. women The situation in Europe is also sad: 58,000 people are registered each year on the old continent. new cases, about 24,000 cases. the female illness becomes the cause of death each year.

It is estimated that the Center for Clinical Oncogynecology of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences of Kaunas University and the Committee National Coordinating Committee for Cervical Cancer

. Member Prof. According to D. Vaitkienė, it is very important for women to consult their specialists regularly and to prevent their own health.

"Considering that it takes at least 10 years to develop an illness, checking for changes in the body should be around 25 years and 60 years old. Inspection every three years. And although the inspection program in Lithuania was launched in 2004, statistics show that in 2018, at least once, 61% of them tested their state of health in the program screening. target age women. Expect that a screening program benefits from a reduction in the number of cases, with at least 75% of program participation. target populations. We have not yet reached this figure, "says the teacher, according to her, in order to prevent cancer of the cervix or – better – to prevent a disease but a risk factor, it is necessary to take precautions: HPV vaccination, preventive health examination in the PAP study or significantly more sensitive HPV test, follow a healthy lifestyle

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