Laura Panavė shared tips on how to eat healthy: everything is simple


Prepare a snack box

In most scientific articles, it is recommended to eat more than 3 times a day and after a small amount. It is therefore recommended to nibble in the main courses and prepare boxes of snacks at home.

"I recommend snacks to choose nutritious foods, such as dried fruits, whole grain bars, seeds and nuts, of course, do not overdo it, do not waste it unnecessarily." not feel pain after a while, so stop eating until you feel a little hungry, then you will feel good later, you will not be bothered. as a way of life and not as a duty, "advises L. Panavė.

Vegetables are one of the most useful snacks. For example, peppers, zucchini or finely chopped carrots may be placed in the snack box. They can be excellent chips at any time of the day.

Fill in the food blog

According to sports experts, the two most common mistakes are the lack of diet and awareness, that is, we eat at any time and do not pay attention to the value of food consumed.

A personal trainer and nutrition counselor advise you to keep a daily diary of eating habits – no matter when, what and how much we eat. This method will help you understand how much and what nutrients we receive each day. It is advisable to eat every day at the same time. We are getting used to regular eating habits.

According to L. Panavė, it is important to pay attention to nutrition and product composition. For example, fast food is usually avoided because of the amount of calories but its increased composition.

Choose from aperitifs

In addition to vegetables, nuts or seeds, lacquered eggs have recently become lucrative as a trendy and healthy snack. They provide a sense of satiety, they are not worth it and are therefore particularly useful for those who want to lose weight.

Research shows that the chicken egg is the only product consuming up to 97 to 98% of the body. It is not for nothing that it is considered a reference in the use of proteins.

"The egg is not only a source of protein, it is thought that it contains 13 vitamins, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as many minerals and trace elements that we Normally, we get too little eggs, which ensure a healthy diet, regularly enter the daily diet, "Tom Rumelaitis said in a press release.

He points out that not all eggs are the same, their nutrition varies depending on the chicken's diet.

According to L. Panavė, eggs appear four days a week in their food ration. "Cooked eggs, such as snacks or baked goods, such as pancakes or pancakes, will be suitable for everyone, depending on the additional ingredients.A large egg contains about 70 to 80 kcal and about 7 grams of cooking materials. muscle building (protein) The frequency at which eggs are eaten depends on the purpose and needs of the man Many people understand that the egg is the ideal food everywhere and always, says the specialist of food.

Every day no less than 2 liters of liquids

It is not only important to choose well-balanced foods, but also liquids. L. Panavė says that not only water, but also unsweetened herbal teas or natural juices, mineral-rich drinks and juice-based badtails are appropriate.

"It is recommended to drink 0.03 l / d per kg of body weight per day, so if you weigh 70 kg, drink more than 2 liters of liquid a day." Mineral water is offered in moderation because Minerals can accumulate in the body, only after a sport or an intense swim, when we sweat a lot, "recalls a personal trainer.

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