Lauryn Griegel dropped in tournament in US semifinal


Lauryn Griegel finished at the United States Tennis Tournament "Levene, Gouldin & Thompson Tennis Challenger".

The 24th Australian Tennis Association (ATP) ranked 98th in the ranking

The Australian Tennis Association (ATP), 24, ranked 98th. , L. Grigel – 270.

Lithuania won the 162nd World Rackage by Bjorn Fratangelo in the sixteenth final in 4: 6, 6: 2, 6: 3, in the eighth final Alejandro Gomez in the quarterfinals – Darren King of the 174th.

L Grigel and 27-year-old Italian Alessandro Bega in the third and sixth rounds of the tournament, 3: 6, 4: 6, did not resist Hans Hach, 28, of Mexico and Andreas Siljestrom of Sweden , 37 years old

. Ranking points and prize of $ 3,765

The prize fund of the tournament is $ 75,000

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