Lithuanians suffer from insect bites


Sunny weather attracts as much time as possible in the fresh air, but many people suffer from insects each year. In addition, every summer, there is at least one case of human insomnia caused by anaphylactic shock.

Official statistics show that the number of traveling insects each year and therefore the number of people in need of treatment is close to 10 000. In 2016 alone, these patients increased by nearly 34%. – up to 9,800

Doctors suggest that most pharynx may have developed an allergic reaction, otherwise they are generally not advised to take any medications. It is obvious that in the summer, an accident with insects takes a new level of risk and that people should pay more attention to it, and not only use folk remedies to reduce the itchiness.

Insects in summer are attracted by body odor, beverages and sugary foods. The waters that fly near the water planes like wet skin. Some of the insects can be sharpened by quick movements when they are tried and roughly motivated by the hand.

Local swelling and redness are a normal reaction to skin irritation, but if you experience weakness, downward blood pressure, dyspnea Does the whole body swell up, then you belong to a group of allergic people who have stomach pain and you must contact a doctor as soon as possible.

How to deal with anaphylactic shock

More than 200 people. Some cases are particularly painful because people do not seriously consider stroke.

At first glance, there is not much anaphylactic shock due to insect bites all over the country, but every case is really serious and life threatening.

Experts explain how to recognize a dangerously manifested allergy and how we can help those who suffer from it

"A strong allergy or anaphylactic shock begins as soon as the insect bites or inhales the allergen or the intake of food for which the person is very allergic.allergy.This shock usually occurs when a severe allergy is repeated several times.In other words, a person who has an anaphylactic reaction had to contact the allergenic substance. at least several times in the past, "says pharmacist Elvyra Ramaškienė

According to the pharmacist, anaphylactic shock can be caused by various factors: insect bites, pollen, even food.The first symptoms usually occur after a few seconds or minutes after contact with an allergen, but they persist after two hours or so, so it is important to be be vigilant.

"After a sudden allergic reaction, it takes a few minutes to scratch the body the hives appear, the skin is swollen, the skin cools, the heat feels, the bronchial sphincter narrows, the blood is blurred, blood pressure decreases, lips and tongue swell, "says E. Ramaškienė.The pharmacist points out that anaphylactic shock the system and the digestive tract. "Cardiovascular events include pallor, dizziness, general weakness, decreased or decreased consciousness, and decreased blood pressure."

According to the pharmacist, in the event of a very rapid and severe allergic reaction, contact with the allergen as soon as possible and inject 0.1% allergen to the allergen .. adrenaline solution ampoule.If the allergen enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to induce vomiting.

The ampule of adrenaline solution is recommended for people with allergies to a home or a trip in the wild. This is also worth it for those who do not think that They are very allergic – maybe you will save somebody.

"An adult needs 0.3 to 0.5 ml of adrenaline, it can be injected into the muscle and in the vein. If you are not a doctor, it is best not to risk only for the muscles. In children, the dose of adrenaline should be much lower – 0.01 ml – and can only be administered intramuscularly. Special disposable adrenaline pens can be used for this. You will find them in pharmacies for children and adults, "says the pharmaceutical specialist.

E. Ramaškienė emphasizes that anti-allergy ampoules are also prescribed for the treatment of allergies, but that they only constitute an additional treatment for anaphylactic or similar shock treatments. "These ampoules should only be used after having injected adrenaline.They should be administered intramuscularly or very slowly, in two or three minutes, intravenously, unless it is safe." 39 "is a child, but it is important to know that there is no way to enter the arteries," warns the pharmacist.

A 2mg ampoule / 2mg / 2ml effective adult from 12 years is effective in children from 1 to 12. It is important to remember that in children, in case of anaphylactic shock, adrenaline and anti-inflammatory drugs allergic should only be allowed in the muscle.

Bites of ointments

It is important to know that each species of insect leaves a different imprint on the skin

Suppose that the sting of the stomach is very clearly visible on the skin will leave a pink stubble, which will start soon to be very itchy.

Teats with saliva do not inject poisons, and some substances that prevent blood clotting – coagulant. Mosquito hiccups can not be used to grow itchy because it spreads the allergen even more, because of scratches, there may be an infection.

Although it seems that the mosquito bite is not a major threat, legs and hands rubbed with red spots.

The nature of inflammation depends on the sensitivity of the person. Pain, swelling and itching are the three most common symptoms.

First aid is cold. The place to lock must be kept cool. If there is no bag with a glow, what you have at your fingertips is the right one.

No damage to the affected area, the glue patch is not recommended. Such measures are appropriate when a person is injured when the injury bleeds.

Bite of Defects

Bimbos do not wear but burn.

The bivalve bite is not painful in itself, but these insects, like mosquitoes and mice, spread dangerous infectious diseases, so they should be protected from repellents.

If you hit a pin, you will notice redness, sometimes blood flowing. These blood donors fly to the surface and often go to the feet.

Bees, waffles, skulls, sleeping lumps

A small red spot with a white dot appears inside the stomach site of the bee or drone. The manual mowing and the attempt to get rid of crusts and bees are very annoying, so if they fly around, it is advisable to act calmly.

Beet velliput, horseradish and drone do not leave the gills, it can dig again. However, it is advisable not to break these insects, because if they are toxic, they can attract more insects that will perceive it as an alert.

If you are not allergic, you will feel pain, dizziness, and healing in the swallowed area. Place the bites in a cold compress, frozen food in the ice or the refrigerator chamber and hold for at least 10 minutes. On reddened skin, you can put a tissue, towel and towel in the water. The adjoining limb can be stored under the wash water.

If swelling spreads on the site of the bite and the symptoms worsen, urgent medical attention should be sought or immediately to the nearest hospital .

Even a non-allergic person may be infected with an insect in the mouth or throat by drinking from a glbad or box of clumps and no gelling insects visible there- low. Swelling at the beginning of the reaction may block the airways, causing a person to choke.

Spittle Bites

The most unpleasant bites – mites that float. These blood donors are everywhere in Lithuania, but especially in Dzukija, because they are particularly active in the Nemunas.

Honey is more sensitive to repellents, but it is difficult to rub them. This would require a particularly intense smell because their flight time is short and it is vital for them to have blood in all conditions. Happiness, and before floating mosquitoes, you can find tools such as clove oil. Abrasive bites

The incidence of common mosquitoes in Lithuania is unimaginable, but after a while on the skin, you may notice large red circles that could be the first serious symptoms of the disease of Lyme. Since it does not protect the vaccine, it is intended solely for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis.

Usually, we only notice the deepest ticks seen in the skin. The nymphs of the nymph (larval stage) also manage to pump blood. Turtle – blind heat, hungry and human-animal and moving towards it – usually in the grbad of the country, under the hood

Pets can also be brought home

Best Protection Against Tick-encephalitis – Vaccination

When returning from the forest or park, it is good to inspect clothes and the whole body.

Precautionary Measures

Another important detail: do not leave open bottles and cans in glbad or plastic open. because you can not see the insects that have fallen into it.

Insects catch a sweet scent and can enter or knock the box, or enter a dark bottle. You can drink a bee with him without insinuating a buggy bug, and the consequences are hard to predict.

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