Live a pension of 150 euros and always happy


It is hard for a city dweller to imagine such a daily routine. However, the old town of Beigeriškės village, Erika Petkienė, has such a life – a real paradise. Only three farms far from each other stumble in this village, there is an unshakable calm, which is sometimes mitigated by uninvited travelers. Those were ours this time. However, there is no fear of journalists here – on the contrary, guests are always welcome in Beygiriku.
Place for celebration

There is little information about only a few kilometers from Beigerikis, far from Taurage. On the Internet, it is possible to find that Beigeriskiai is a village in the district of Tauragė, Tauragė sub-district, 5 km southwest of Tauragė, near the village of Staiginė and the railway bridge over Ezerūna stream. In 2001, there were 12 inhabitants in the village. Now you are only six years old. And all.

Tauragiškiai is better acquainted with the end of the 18th century, dating from Staiginiai, since the famous monument of the Tauragė Convention stands near its tourists. With this village, as well as Beigeriskis, the railways. A ferro-concrete railway bridge built in 1915 in Egeron in the village of Beigeriskes is already visible from afar. During the First World War, the bridge was destroyed. Later, during the same war, it was rebuilt by Polish prisoners. This bridge is considered the building of the last century of the original construction.

Erika Petkiene, who celebrates 80 years after the birth of the 80th birthday, is located right next to this bridge, in a well maintained country house. True, not one, with the son of Vygantas, who helps with a small farm. Right here, on the other side of the farm, flows the sea. The picture is great. It is said that fishermen come in spring and autumn. The only problem is that they fuse the machines with water. "Where do you look" the nature guards – surprised by Vygantas.

– People now do not understand the Lithuanian language anymore. They include access to water as access to water. The ecologists come to check the fishing hooks, and they do not care about the car near the water, nobody cares. "

Only three farms in the village

Guests uninvited Erika plants at the table, loved that there is nothing written about it. A puppy rotting around his legs, Erik and Vygant found a small fall on the hill, two cats heated in the sun, several cows grazing here in the meadow and two pigs in the stables. Erika says that the problem of pigs is almost impossible to buy piglets because of the threat of swine fever.

– There are more than three farms in the village. There was also a fourth, belonging to the Beygery, there have never been many people here, and now many have died, gone, gone to the city, the neighboring villages have moved, – says Vygantas. 19659002] A companion house was built in 1925 by Erika's grandfather.It is the case – the renovation was not well seen, only the windows with the help of loved ones have recently changed to plastic. At the time of Smetona, according to Erika, near the Beigreiskis, there was a school. In the Soviet years, she was transferred to Požerūnas

– This is the house of my mother's father. When my mother got married, she went to Vainut. I was there and I was born. When there was no one here, around 1960, I came back. As I say, at home, – recalls Erika.

Do you dare to live alone? After all, I'm not safe now, TV is doing all kinds of woes. But Erika and Vigant, too, shake their heads together – what's going to be scary here? In the quiet countryside, rarely pbades, rarely do anything to the guests.

If a problem fails, Erika and Vygantas call their neighbors to help them. It is true that they need to get out of it, well beyond the railroad.

– But there was more what was before. When we thought we had rye. I look, a neighbor rides a bike to work. The bike ran up to our rye, did not close our house, caught the sting and helped. Do not ask for help to come. Never ask for help to each other. And now you have to ask, ask how much you have to pay, nobody does anything for the desert. When the man was alive, it was easier to live, not bad. I buried eight years ago, remembers Erika.

How to get to Taurage, if you need a store or a doctor? Two options – either hire someone who has a car or call a taxi. It was early, when the winters were deep, the roads were raging, but in recent years, these services are no longer necessary to the Beigeriks – there is almost no winter.

– And doctors … What's with them? What I can not. This happens in the winter, it is a good thing to improve medicine. Sometimes the pressure increases. That's all my illness, – Eric says

  lives on a pension of 150 euros and is still happy

© Tauragė courier

The government does not cure

Request what is most lacking to people living alone, maybe the old Erika badures you that there is no need to surrender the claim.

– No, no, nothing must be transmitted. We are friends with your neighborhood. And our elder Danguolė Jatautienė is very good. Erika is open – asking how much he is receiving a pension, saying that he "heals" now with a widow's pension of up to 157 euros. The author of these lines overcomes even whimsical screams. How to survive, perhaps it is necessary to say more to survive, so many

– I once received 120 euros. I did not have a short period of work. I was working at Sarge cemetery, my job was far away, there was no possibility to find work elsewhere. Animals help to survive. Vegetables grow themselves. When I hear about the amount of pension received by retirees from other countries on television, they are angry, but only for a short time. I'm trying not to think about it. I do not even imagine how I would live if I received 500 euros in pensions, I probably would not, says Erika.

For a little retreat, Erika does not bother the Lithuanian government – you bite, you live so much, because you will not live. Will the shrinking villages recover, do they have a sad fate?

– I do not know how will be the Beigeric people, our village is still close to the city, but other small villages will disappear, confident Vygant

Full article: "Tauragė kourier"

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