LJJG agrees to resume the alleged association if doubts persist as to its transparency.


"The PLJS Council notes that the Seimas Youth and Sports Commission of the Republic of Lithuania has decided to refer the management of the Association to the Union."

that the activities of the Association (as of 2012) require the audit of state control of the Republic of Lithuania. We hope that all doubts about transparency will be resolved.

We are currently awaiting the response of the Association to a more detailed action plan on how to ensure proper transfer of management of the Association. We are ready to take over management only with the ability to provide appropriate transparency to the activities of the Association. Therefore, all information relating to the activities of the Association since its creation must be communicated together.

The World Lithuanian Youth Union was founded in 1972 at the Second Lithuanian Youth World Congress. Currently, the organization is registered at the World Lithuanian Center in Lemonte, Illinois, USA. The badociation was created at the LJS members' congress in 2009, whose mission is to represent the PLWS in Lithuania. However, in practice, the activities of the organization have not always been coordinated with the PLS.

The responsible and transparent representation of PLWS in Lithuania has continued since the founding of the Association, and especially since the 15th Lithuanian Youth World Congress in 2017. From July 6th to 12th in Finland. Congress delegates, representing the Lithuanian youth of the world from 13 foreign countries, ordered the LWC Council to take back control of the previously established Association or establish a new legal entity in Lithuania. "

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