Look at the black hole in a form that you've never seen before


In fact, we will never see the same black holes – no, not only Shallow A *, because their gravity is so strong that it even reduces photons. But the black hole in the area is another matter. Over the last few decades, astronomers and astrophysicists have intensively explored the A * district of Sagittarius and, with the help of mountain data on this site, a three-dimensional model of virtual reality has been created for all the world can see it.

The result of this modeling is an interactive video that Jordy Davelar described as "Astrophysicist of the University of the Netherlands" (Netherlands) "as one of the most realistic environmental images almost black hole ".

He is probably right.

"The growing power of supercomputers and 3D modeling tools now allows scientists to add more and more physical effects to modeling," said Jean-Pierre Luminet, director of research at CNRS, who explains the quality of the model, directly in the design of the new model. absent

And the video shows something like this: the center of a swirling orange material is a sphere that distorts the image.

That's the black hole itself. Well, more specifically, maybe not a hole, but rather a setback. And not quite black. However, such a name is "stuck" and no one intends to adjust it. It is the object of a density so huge that its gravitational effect from the nearest environment does not allow it to escape, even for photons, which constantly move at the speed of light.

VIDEO: Observe supermbadive black holes in virtual reality

And around this hole is probably the most extreme imaginary environment of the universe: clouds of gas and dust.

Part of this cloud, exposed to the gravitational black hole, will fall and disappear forever. Scientists believe that black holes will hit magnetic field bands, from which the hole poles will be crushed in the form of relativistic jets.

"The light you see is the propagating material, which disappears into a swirling black hole, because of extreme conditions it becomes a plasma that starts to shine, and later that light is reflected and distorted by gravitation. of a powerful black hole ", explains J.Davelaaras.

Over the years, several simulations have been developed to describe the appearance of a black hole environment. The most famous is perhaps the black hole of Gargantua that we see in Interstellar. However, it should be noted that the creators of the film gave a share of scientific accuracy because of a stronger visual impression.

The new model created by J.Davelaaro does not look like Gargantuan's image. It is rather reminiscent of earlier work by astrophysicists – the late CNRS astrophysicist, Jean-Alain Marcko, and of course, the same J.P.Luminet, who created the black hole acoustic disk visualization in 1979.

VIDEO: Color animation of a black hole with an accretion disk

But there are three main differences, according to J.-P.Lumineto. The first is that J. Davelar's black hole rotates in a model with a big kinetic moment – Kerr's space-time (rotating black hole) and not Schwarzschild's space-time (non-rotating black hole).

Second, the area is not a flat disk but a torus of matter. The third is the magnetic fields in J. Davelar's model.

"The difference in appearance is mainly due to the first and second differences.The fact is that in the Schwarzschild space-time, all the orbits are in one plane, and that Kerr's space-time is not with the exception of those set in the equator plan, "said the spokesman of the CNRS.

It is more likely that A * is a Kerr black hole. The difference between the simulations is therefore reasonable. But even in this case, it is not very big. The toroidal shape of the surface field has also been modeled previously. So, in fact, the essential distinction of J. Davelar's modeling is movement.

"It is this dynamic display of the movement of a rotating black hole that is the most exciting aspect of this new modeling," said J.L.P.Luminet.

The full text is available on this site.

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