LSDP President G. Palack: "We will try not to surprise, but to make proposals"


"I am convinced that a political organization, especially a large party like ours, can not live by the principle: you love me, and you are not.

There must be a clear definition of the rules according to which joint activities, coexistence and common aspirations are created. And the overall results are obtained. Otherwise, it will be a mix of 18,000 individual initiatives, reflections and principles of operation. This aspiration to communion and the changes badociated with it are not appropriate for everyone, and therefore divorce occurs. But this is certainly not the end but the beginning of a new phase, "said Gintautas Paluckas, chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), who visited Alytus on Monday.

In the capital of Dzukija, he met with representatives of the society, communicated with party friends and discussed the development of Lithuania's four-year vision for basic guidelines. The leader of one of the largest political parties responded to the site

One of the first district departments of the LSDP town Alytus has nominated his candidate Nerijus Cesiulis for the municipal elections next year. Is this application already final and nothing will change?

Before the end of the registration period, candidates can not know what and how they will be. But the division has already expressed its confidence, and, in my opinion, has made a significant vote of votes a competent and professional candidate, so I certainly have no claims. Of course, there is everything in life, but hope that nothing will change before the elections.

The opposition Social Democrats of Alytus City Council are sufficiently audible to actively voice their position and obtain various badessments. How do you evaluate their work on the board? Are you satisfied with the party activities in the city department of Alytus?

The activity of the Social Democrats in the city council, to my knowledge, is rather stormy, politically active, with conflict, and with various discussions. It is clear that, as often happens, local affairs are better known to ministry members because they are directly involved.

But in general, I am in favor of a constructive dialogue. I see a variety of operational deficiencies, but the elections will come and then we will discuss them. We will give our proposals, our candidates, we hope that our proposals, the provisions of the program and the candidates will be pleasing to the voters. It would not be constructive now to criticize others, to offer nothing for themselves about the vision and development of the city. Therefore, we will strive to be surprised not by criticism, but by propositions.

In general, the party president should not evaluate the work of politicians and voters. The president can rejoice or hide as much as he wants, but everything will depend on people. If they have a qualitative change in their immediate environment, they will support the politicians.

There are a lot of cases where it seems like a lot of cuts have been made, a lot of nice things have been done, but we do not feel a direct link, when the election day comes, it votes for the one who is learning to get closer.

Therefore, direct and open communication with people is necessary. We strive to do it.

Recently, some changes took place in the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, some members of the party withdrew, having established a new political force. However, the city department of Alytus hardly touched it, only an old party came out. In your opinion, what did it lead to?

A total of 150 to 160 people left the party and formed the new foundation on the basis of the Labor Party. No significant changes in the party structure really took place. About Alytus There are many personalities, many leaders, but there are deep traditions. When there are traditions unifying ideological values, jogging here and there is much less common.

I have not doubted Alytus. Needless to say, there is a lot of tension in the department of Alytus in recent years of various discussions. But over the years, the chapter has not been broken and is not "spelled out" because the Social Democrats are not ideologies but positions, positions and ideologies.

Conflict situations within the group occur not only in the chapter of Alytus, but also in others. Individual cases are always discussed widely and openly. And such a discussion will really be.

I want to emphasize that we do not recognize double standards – this is the main point of the renewal campaign of our party.

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