M.Kuzminskas changes profession: he will sing with his brother at marriage


Mindaugas Kuzminskas, striker of the national basketball team of Lithuania, escaped during the long weekend.

On Friday, he solemnly mentioned the day of the coronation of Mindaugas, as well as the flag of Lithuania that he had raised at his home. I have a greater sense of citizenship and Lithuania. Therefore, I sincerely wish everyone to congratulate Mindaugas Coronation Day! This holiday is important not only for Mindaugas, but also for Lithuania as a whole. Every national holiday is celebrated, so that the flag at home is an indispensable attribute, "writes Mr. Kuzminskas in the account instagram.

The more I spend time abroad, the greater the sense of the Citizenship and Lithuanians, so I sincerely wish everyone congratulate Mindaugas Coronation Day, which is important not only for Mindaugas, but also for Lithuania as a whole, and every national holiday is celebrated, so the flag at home is indispensable attribute When I came back from the team so far, I had to guess it.So, at the same time, I think that http://www.flagmore.lt did everything in the good of 2 dd Beautiful and meaningful for you on a long weekend!

A post shared by Mindaugas Kuzminskas (@mkuzminskas) on

As it turned out later, the festive The weekend did not stop there: the father Vladas celebrated his 70th birthday last weekend.

A new talent of Mr. Kuzminsko appeared during this festive evening. He and his brother, Saulius, turned the basketball into the microphone and the boys stormed the party guests

"When your dad turns 70. This summer, with Saulius, we're working for wedding and birthday parties, party dancers and musicians ", – Mr. Kuzminskas joked in the account instagram.

When your father is 70 years old …

[email protected]

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