Manigat left "Pieno žvaigždės" to settle in Hungarian league / News



A 27-year-old Canadian was shot dead with Egyptian Debrecen, who last season between 14

Manigat arrived in Pasval at the end of January at the end of the league German, the 46ers of Giesen and quickly became one of the victories of "Milk Stars".

188cm defenseman helped club win BBL Cup

Leading LKL, Manigat averaged 27 minutes, 11.1 points, rebounded 2.6, took over 1 , 6 balls, made 3.6 post-match and scored 11, 5 utility scores.

The crew "Pieno žvaigždžių", which is not yet on sale in the summer market, currently has three The rest of the season, Tom Galeck, Igno Fyodorov and Tom Lekun [19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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