Meghan Markle's father had a heart attack to stop attending the wedding


As a wife of Prince Harry, a woman close to his wife, said that his father, Meghan Markle (now 73 years old), was only simulating the sick, thus trying to avoid the royal wedding, reported the Daily Mail. in this way th. Markle attempted to induce compbadion and compbadion from the company, as he had already been severely criticized for exposing his paparazas photos on the day of his arrival.

Th. Th. Markle, through the ITV network, told Good Morning Britain that on May 16, a stent was inserted in the medical center of Tychuan City in Mexico. For this reason, he probably could not attend the wedding of Mark and Prince Harry.

With the designated medical center, Daily Mail correspondents reported that Th. Markle's name is not on the list of people registered at the hospital.

A source close to a former American actor insists that a 73-year-old man choosing a lonely lifestyle in Mexico claims to have heart problems.

  Meghan Markle's father in a photograph of a still photograph

Meghan Markle's father in a proclaimed photograph

"He had to have a good enough reason not to participate in the wedding because he did not want to feel any more shame, which, in any case, was interrupted by posing for these images, "he added.

Th. Markle recently expressed her concern that her daughter and Prince Harry have decided to fire him since the wedding did not contact any members of the British royal family.

However, the source of information alleges that the man himself has taken such an inevitability, from elsewhere, if he really was, Markle would have made him visit.

"Now everyone has mercy on him, although there is no reason to do so," said the person who contacted Daily Mail. "It would be a pity here except Meghan."

Speaking with The Sun, Th. Markle said that he was about to come to England and try to come to terms with the daughter of the Duchess.
A 73 year old man is then badured to be ready to leave Mexico City for London after two months of prolonged absence. Markle talked about how she wanted to see her daughter despite all the obligations she had given him.

"If, after a month or a couple, I decide to go to England, it's just because I want to see my daughter. I think about it, "says Th. Markle
" I'm crazy even though she sends me. I do not intend to explore flags and play the crazy. I will find the hotel and try to contact them. "

The idea of ​​a false operation is revealed after the sincere Th. Printed by the sun.The address of Markle to his daughter:" I love you and I want to speak. "Lift the handset."

Th. Markle said that if Kensington Palace continued to hang on to the wall of silence, he would enter Britain without waiting for the royal family to call a meeting.

"It's sad that this has happened. In part, I am guilty myself. But I've already made it clear that I'm guilty of buying the rest of my life, "said Th .. Markle from his home in Rosarit

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