Millions were thrown on the scene: it was decided to demolish the slabs of the National Stadium


This, according to the report, will pave the way for the construction of the first modern football stadium in Vilnius. The proposal was submitted after submission.

P. According to Poderski, after review and decision, a commission of dismantling and liquidation of the stadium will be supervised for the demolition, demolition and removal of the construction of the old constructions.

"The municipality will not accept any commitment, but the promoter of the stadium project will be open visions proposed.Of course, according to the planning documents of the territory in force, there is only the construction of public objects there, "- said P. Poderski in the report.

On June 29, the Lithuanian court of appeal dismissed the appeal of the Vilnius National Stadium, which refused the concession, and the municipality no longer has the opportunity to successfully pursue the negotiations with the sole participant in the "Axis Industries" concession. He proposed to build with partners Venetus Capital, Kaunas Arena and the architects Populous and Cloud architects a total of 79.9 million.

It is expected that a football stadium will be installed on the territory of the 22-hectare complex, which will rise to at least 15 thousand.

The capital city intends to invest 73.1 million in the multifunctional complex, with a total of 73.1 million square meters. EUR excluding VAT, of which Community funds amounted to EUR 33.6 million. euro, municipal funds – 2.9 mln. Euro, state budget funds – 36.6 million.

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