Model Katie Price cheats jeweler Elvier Monginiene: seized jewels and money from a creator | names


1 million 800 thousand Katie Price, a member of the Instagram social networking affiliate, is committed to advertising Elvyra Design jewelry, but she has not only equated the work of the designer, but she also did not respect the agreement, writes DailyMail. bracelet of more than 1000 pounds and that in March he had promised to present these jewels on their social networks

  Photo of the personal album / Decorations

Photo of the personal album / " Elvyra Design "Ornaments

In addition, Britta received 250 books and donated some other props, but the day the photos of the jewels had to appear in public, K. Price disappeared as water

Representatives Elvyra Design claim that they have not yet experienced such a situation. even if the brand has promoted celebrity of various calibers.

"Katie Received Our Jewelry and Silver," Elvyra Design

The story began on January 17, 2018, when Katie Instagram herself wrote that she wanted to work with these fashion houses and expressed admiration for the jewelry made by E.Monginienė [19659019] Photo by Brice Barrett / Elvira Monginienė "rel =" content-image "src =" static / cache / NTcweCwxMDAzeDQ0MSw2MTYyNzYsb3JpZ2luYWwsLGlkPTI4NzMyMjQmZGF0ZT0yMDE3JTJGMDMlMkYxNCwxMjg1OTI4MTAy / Elvyra-design-Kolekcija-angels-and-demons-58c79296b93d7.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Photo Brice Barrett / Elvira Monginienė [19659004] in l & # 39; agreement (19,659,019) Photo Brice Barrett / Elvira Monginienė "rel =" happy image "src =" and-demons-58c79296b93d7.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Photo by Brice Barrett / Elvira Monginienė

With the model, it was determined that K.Price would announce her ornaments during her trip to South Africa, but Katie's representatives reported that the celebrity would not be able to keep his promise because his mother was sick

paid but not received

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