More than 4,000 songs are on the way to the Song Festival. the inhabitants of Vilnius


Before the concert of the centenary of the Lithuanian century, "The Testimony Unit", in the center of the capital up to the stage of Vingis Park, the participants of the celebration from all over Lithuania and have enlarged the Lithuanian procession.

The members of ensembles, groups and orchestras representing Vilnius, in their joint performance, creatively connected modern rhythms and folklore to a cable running for 2 kilometers, the Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius carrying the Vilnius flag. Congratulations to National Day – our royal holiday!

A live replica of the city "VILNIUS LOVE YOU!" From the city marking the beginning of the over 2-kilometer pbad of the city and completing the DJ, playing with contemporary music, traveled with the dancers on a giant platform. "We are pleased that in the history of the century-old song festivals in the streets of Vilnius, everyone can see a ten-year-old musician and a member of the wind band celebrating the 90th anniversary", said deputy director Vygantas Kazlauskas

their contemporary dance dancers and folk ensemble members intertwined in a coherent view, basketballs were launched by students from schools sports, and with the support of the wind instrumental musicians, the eye of the famous St. Christopher Street, but also giant white spindles in a tricolor flower on the river.

After the 100th Festival de la chanson, everyone is welcome in the meadow near the Pont Blanc where the municipality of the capital organized the first picnic "Vilnius – Lithuania"! Comes with Lithuanian stars and fireworks will last up to 1 hour. night (19659008)! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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