Naomi Campbell, a loved one, says her father will become: Is the baby's mother a 48-year-old model? | names


On Monday, Schepta shared his 4D ultrasound photo on his Instagram account, which instead of the commentary added a single floral symbol.

The picture of the child is no doubt: the pictures taken on Monday clearly show that it is the baby Adenuga. is a real rapper name


A post shared by Skepta (@skeptagram) on [30 juillet 2018] at 20:41 PDT

However, the most interesting question now is to know which mother of this baby? Skepta and Naomi Campbell confirmed the rumors about their two novels for a few months but if they are still together and if Naomi is the mother of the rapper's mother remains a mystery

Without recognition, two fans are trying to find proofs themselves. And most importantly, the eyes of Naomi Campbell, published July 21, appeared on Instagram, where she wears a free figure dress – maybe the gum is actually buried?

If Naomi Campbell waited, it would not be very surprising – Supermodel had said earlier that she was dreaming of becoming a mother but she was not getting the right partner (this interview had was given last year when she and Skepta were not yet a couple.)

O and age do not seem to be an obstacle. she did not hesitate about her ability to get pregnant and bring her baby up to the 50th birthday

At the same time, the public seems to have to gradually get used to the news of late pregnancies: more and more famous women are determined to do so. Here is the actress Naomi Rachel Weisz is currently expecting a baby and in June another actress gave birth to the daughter of Brigitte Nielsen a few weeks before the 55th birthday .
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