NASA Mars probe landed as a manual


But the real concern was the following: a mission worth $ 1 billion on Earth was being developed without the ability to fully test the entire sequence of landing processes. Separate tests were conducted on elements essential to the landing, such as the shield of a heat shield, the skydiving in the wind tunnel, the landing with rocket propulsion and other stages but it was not possible to track the entire flight on Earth. all the actors play their part individually, but at the same time play the full role only when the spectators gather.

Worried for the value and not for the most successful landing in Marseille: although NASA's Marseille facilities generally fail successfully, the Soviet Union and Russia have a red planet as if they were hooked – all the aircraft of one of these states sent to Mars crashed or failed to make contact with the Earth.

Meanwhile, Insight seismic activity sensors are communicating with NASA engineers and have already sent their first photo of their environment.

For more convenient communication with the Earth (at least for monitoring the landing phase), NASA then shipped its own probe with two 6-segment NanoSAT satellites the size of a suitcase, which have also worked well.

In the coming days, Insight will install a seismometer and thermometer at a depth of five meters to measure the planet's internal temperature and seismic activity, intelligently installing the Mars Foundation. In this way, we will measure how "alive" the planet is or where there are ongoing geological processes.

VIDEO: 7 voltage ranges: NASA's probe landed in Marseille

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