NASA trains the first person in March – a 17-year-old girl


Alyssa Carson is a 17-year-old girl from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. NASA is preparing to be an astronaut. The dream of the girl is to become the first man of Marseille. It aims to participate in the first human flight to Mars, scheduled for 2033, according to Bored Panda.

  NASA trains the first person in March - the 17-year-old girl's title = The first person to be a NASA Mars traveler is a 17-year-old girl [19659003] Alyssa Carson © NASA

The Girl definitely has all it needs to get there A. Carson is the first to complete the NASA Pbadport program in the 14 reception centers and the youngest person admitted to the PoSSUM Space Academy. After graduation, she has an official license to go into space.

In addition, a girl in school studies all subjects in four languages ​​- English, Chinese, French and Spanish.

"The biggest challenge is the time and the ability to overcome everything while being young and at the same time attending school, and further training, when I'm young, will hurt me as well, but I'm not sure. have managed to do everything up to now, "says Carson.

She knows that she can not run away and grow children. A. Carson perceives this and is determined to put aside these things in order to realize his dream.

A. Not only does Carson learn at school and participate in astronaut training, but he also speaks public discourses in order to engage in space exploration and encourage everyone to pursue his dreams.

"Always have a dream, want to implement it, and never let it go," says the girl. Asked about people's inspiration, A. Carson says she's inspired by "all astronauts, especially female astronauts, because they've paved the way for me" .

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