New Historical Novel about Doctors Adolph Hitler | Culture


Where does the doctor's ethics begin and end in the bloody war of millions of lives that have hurt and tragically affected the fate of many states, including Lithuania?

The author speaks in the novel: The documentary question is constantly raised: "Why does one of these men, so trustworthy of the Nazi dictator, do not have it? made a single injection of what the hundreds of failed conspirators who were fighting Hitler were doing? "The Hippocratic Oath? The hypnotism power of the dictator? Faith in Nazi Ideas and Vbadal Fidelity to Siuzeren

This historical novel is interesting for readers interested in limiting the history of Lithuanian history. The novel also describes the events related to the history of Lithuanian history. history of the state of Klaipėda, Kaunas, East Prussia, Baltic Sea, Griunvaldas and Mosurys. 19659002] In writing the novel "The Cup, the Serpent and the Swastika" VM Knabikaitė is based on true historical facts. Historical documentary material has helped: the works of Hitler's biographers Werner Maser, Joachim Fest, the writings of Ph.D. Theodore Morel, the stories of the disease (some of their pbadages are cited in the book); Anna Maria Sigmund's Nazi women, Hans-Joachim Neumann, Henrik Eberle, "Was Hitler sick?", Nigel Cawtorne "The Intimate Life of Great Dictators" and Jesus Hernandez "Valkirija" are also important. The novel quotes four official documents of this documentary: the speeches of Hitler, Gering, Denic and Himmler after an unsuccessful attempt in July 1944.

The chapters of the Romans are named after the doctors Hitler, Teodor Morel, Ludwig Stumpfeger and Karl Brund . It should not be forgotten either that the other two doctors mentioned in the Nazi dictator's book, unlike Teodor Morel, were working in Hitler's death camps in horrific experiences with humans.

Vaida Marija Knabikaitė having published four novels: "The month in a black window" (on Hitler's dictator of Hitler), "Isid and Fortune" (theme of the ancient Roman Empire of the first century) , "The wings of the swan" (portraits of King Mindaugas), "Homo Festivus" experiments from the 20th century to the end)

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