Nobel Prize novelist found eight years after his death | Culture


The sixth and last unfortunate book of the Lanzarote Diaries (Cuadernos de Lanzarote) will be released in Portuguese and Spanish in October this year, reported by the widow of the writer Pilar del Rio

The last volume of newspapers was written by J. Saramago in 1998.

J. Saramago died at the Canary Islands in Lanzarote in the year 87 at the age of 87.

According to the wife of the writer, who runs the Jose Saramago School in Lisbon, his work has not yet been published. hidden in a folder of the computer.

  AFP / Photo Scanpix / José de Sousa Saramago

AFP / Photo Scanpix / Jose de Sousa Saramago

"I thought everything had been printed.I was saddened to find that no one knew this book up to now, "she said.

However, Saramagas himself had mentioned this book in half-mouth in 2001

" I would not be happy Someone is came to tell me that I did not do it ", – joked the writer through the presentation of the fifth part of the Lanzarote newspapers, talking about the rest of the book.

J. Saramago has created famous novels such as "The Raft of Stone" (A Jangada de Pedra, 1986), "History of the Siege of Lisbon", "Blindness" (Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, 1995) "Gospel by Jesus Christ" (O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo, 1991) It is believed that for the last novel, J.Saramago received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998.

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