Nursery District Design Begins


In the northern part of the town of Klaipėda, on the territory located between the nursery, Savanorių and Labrenciškės streets, an infrastructure project for the construction of a new residential area will be prepared until the end of the year. to next year.

Saulius Budinas, director of Klaipėda City Administration, Saulius Budinas, director of Klaipėda City Administration, signed the agreement with the drafting of the technical project of the infrastructure of the nursery career within eight months.

The development plan for the first time after the restoration of independence in Klaipėda will be based on the principle that the infrastructure, communications and the territory are planned according to the needs of the city, and not according to the wishes of the promoter. "- The residential building planned in the new residential area of ​​Medelynas Neighborhood in which should remain about 5 thousand city dwellers The detailed plan for this quarter has already been prepared.It provides for the construction of collective housing next to the street Medelynė, with the construction of semi-detached and single-family homes in the neighborhood, and the construction of public and commercial plots including educational institutions, shops and services.The neighborhood will be accessible not only on Medelyno Street, but also on Pomorian Street. 19659002] "This district is subject to all conditions for an exclusive infrastructure: a composite concept, a detailed plan is prepared, all objectives are clear and clearly defined. Arnas Knystautas, deputy director of UAB Telšiai Keliai, said the eight-month time frame is sufficient and sufficient for the preparation of solutions. "

The nursery infrastructure and project maintenance will cost 49.8 thousand euros." The project contractors are selected on the basis of a call for tenders on the basis of 39, a cost-benefit test According to the municipal specialists, the competition was attended by 5 or 6 suppliers.In the middle of next year, during the preparation of the project, it is planned to launch works of art. S. Budin adds that the port companies managing the engineering networks will also contribute to the development of this project.

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