One of the stupidest myths on the internet: the legendary Bruce Lee wins a table tennis match?


  Bruce Lee worked well for a nuncake, but not very well. / "Title =" Bruce Lee worked well, but not so well. /

Bruce Lee worked well with a nuncake, but not very well. / Stop Cadre

Bruce Lee – legendary actor and master of martial arts. Unfortunately, his legend has surpbaded the true personality of the actor and now he has created many different myths about him. For example, did you see a video of Lee playing ping pong? You only play, but you also do a lot of things and victories.

The various myths surrounding Bruce Lee's personality could be long and boring. For example, many imagine that Lee was a great fighter, but in fact, he never felt at all in real fights. In other words, he did not win more than one approved fight. Would an endless man be a good fighter? Well, probably not. It is also often repeated that he would have been a UFC champion if this organization were to succeed or even defeat the famous Conor McGregor. However, the truth is that these men would not have fought at all, even if both of them were both young and ready – Lee would fall into the lowest weight category, among which the fighters would be the only ones who would be the best. one of the easiest. Bruce Lee weighed about 60 kg, it makes no sense to talk about the force of impact. Dehydrated McGregor weighs 70.3 kg, and in the octagon – up to 10 kg more.

However, Lee never complained to the fighter – this label was affixed to people who do not distinguish between movies and reality. Lee was a master and a martial arts actor. And he really did not manage to shoot it, which looks a lot like the cameras. He only played table tennis with this training tool and this weapon.

A famous video shows Lee's nuncak playing against a real table tennis player. Lee's opponent makes every effort to fool Lee by shaking the racket precisely. However, Lee only knives, changes hands, does tricks and hits the ball accurately all the time. And they earn one point after the other. The video has been shared online millions of times, mainly with Lee's focus on speed and skills, and comments are always full of Lee's fans. Relaxed fans.

The video was filed in 2008 (Lee died in 1973) in China. "J. The advertising agency of Walter Thompson has been proud of this idea until now, although it has never been badumed that people would perceive that Bruce Lee is really represented in he was just a similar actor who mastered the nuncake, he simply made several laps, and his colleague flashed from the other side of the table on a racket.When the time came he just needed to pretend that he was losing the point.Later, with the help of computer graphics, a bullet inserted into the video, added sound effects.

A popular clip was created for the promotion of the Nokia N96 Limited Edition While the video is probably even more popular than the phone, but why did people believe such a fake clip?

Well, first of all, because it's well twisted.The effects seem compelling, even though the video itself is s i painfully obvious that she is wrong. The video looks old, but there was no good effect before. But people probably thought that they wanted to believe. After all, Bruce Lee's phenomenon is so inspiring.

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