Orai.lt: the heat will shrink slowly


In western Lithuania, it will be necessary to experience short rains and thunderstorms, where rainfall will be particularly intense. After the weather, the weather will warm up to 27-32 degrees Celsius. The pulse is light tomorrow, but in the western regions, it should reach 15-16 m / s.

On Wednesday, the impact of the anticyclone will increase even more and, in the east, there will be a slightly cooler air mbad. A little cloudy, only the clouds of the day agree a little. In most of the country, the risk of rain is likely to remain low, the evening at sea, you can briefly launch a thunderstorm. The tide is not very strong and much cooler in the east direction of the wind. At night, the temperature drops to 15-21 degrees, the day the thermometers show 26-31 degrees.

Thursday, no major change in weather conditions is expected. It's cold and rainy, it should not rain. The wind will swell and become a weak and volatile direction. The heat will decrease to a degree, warm to 15-20 at night, warm to 25-30 degrees in the day

On Friday, the atmosphere will come, it will warm our country to warmer air for a short time, warmer than Thursday.

It is highly likely that the atmosphere of the weekend atmosphere will bring more rain and cooler air – we can finally get out of the heat

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