15min the reader sent a photo Friday night featuring Lamborghini powered by P.Aršauskas. At the supermarket in the capital, the cryptomilicier decided to park the car in a disfigured place .
P. Aršauskas justified his behavior with a leg injury. "I shook my leg at the tennis training, so I do not see anything wrong with that.If there were a lot of vacancies, I took advantage of it." there were no more vacancies, I certainly would not have been in a handicapped place. "- 15min pleaded P.Aršauskas.
15min. Lamborghini of Arashausk
After this publication, comments from internet users came, and 15min also received more photos where Arshavka builds a car in places marked by a disabled person . The same evening 15min darkart contacted the cryptomilicier, but he did not provide a wider comment
YES TO READ ALSO: Disengaged Lamborghini left P. Arshauskas: "I I am shaking my leg, nothing wrong with that "
15min photo of the reader / Paula Arashausko of Lamborghini
The next day, a story appears on the account feisbuk of P. Arsauskas in which he sets out a different position.
"For the last time, I will publicly tell everyone why I set up a machine differently than everyone else, when in three months you will pay twice a franchise of 5,000 euros because of brokers who can not open the door, you will realize that it is better to pay a fine and support the state than the insurance companies, "writes P.Aršauskas in feisbuke.] YES ALSO READ: The beloved Eglė Malinauskaitė, the beloved cryptomilician Paulius Arasauskas, says: "It's easy for someone else"
15min reader / Lamborghini of Paul Arashausko
15min recalls that the founder of the largest kryptovaliut mine in Lithuania, P.Aršauskas, was under the spotlight of the police of the The speed in Klaipeda-Kaunas with Lamborghini was last unacceptably to 236 km / h. speed The officials determined who drove the Lamborghini belonging to him, perhaps who escorted from Klaipeda to Vilnius in an hour .
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