Palanga – the only solo jazz concert: the brass band and the "solid women" scene | names


The Palanga concert hall barely coincided with the singer's fans from all over Lithuania. It could have been planned. Social Network star Karolina Meschin, stylist Joringis Šatas, conductor Vaida Skaisgirė listened

  Photo of Algirdas Kubaitis / The moment of concert

Photo Algirdas Kubaitis / The moment of the concert

  Photo of Algirdas Kubaitis

Photo of Algirdas Kubaitis / Moment Concert

This summer, Jazz was severely cropped with the audience and arrived in Palanga not only famous songs, but also several prime ministers of music. The songs that listeners will hear in his new album, where Jazz will return to roots – jazz and clbadics.

"I will not hide, cruel I'm worried," Justė came on stage when the crowd rallied. As always, the actor on stage was more than ever open and frenetic. As always, she could not play the concert without seeing the people who listened to it. "Listen, and maybe the brilliant artist will connect me to the public.I want to see how and how." Wow I can now sing you ", – he soon told Jazz

  Photo of Algirdas Kubaitis / The moment of the concert

Photo of Algirdas Kubaitis / Moment Concert

– After the song "What are you with me now" she asked to everyone to join. And the voice was so joined that the skin could easily collapse.

The artist also dedicated a song to his girlfriend, Evelyn. "Yesterday, I came to Palanga and I waited for my old friend, with champagne and cooked cucumbers, because that is my favorite food." She asked for an apartment, a mbadage, thinking: God, no man was waiting for me. "I call her" Evelina, Kaunas, Silence "over the phone, so I'll sing that song for you. Do you still remember? Asked Justë, singing the "Silence" of his already very experienced work.

He, like everyone else, met the applause. Yet some of the most abundant slogans left when a group of Viva singers came on stage in the middle of the concert. "Yes, we are on the stage now, and we are going there – with a team of hard, wonderful and confident women," commented Justė

  The moment of the Algirdas Kubaitis photo / jazz concert

Photo from the concert of Algirdas Kubaitis / 1965

Jazz was supported by the string quartet, female choir and band, with whom the singer has been playing for 10 years. Such a composition hardly represents jazz.

During the evening, Jazz interpreted his songs with a well-developed character, who played for 17 years with different artists and in different projects. The concerts included such works as "After my skin," "What are you doing for me?", "Do not say," "Below the ground," "Ghana," and listeners, "I'm going to give you this rain".

The artist does not hide the emotions of a new album alive now.

  Photo of Algirdas Kubaitis / The moment of the jazz concert

Photo of the Algirdas Kubaitis / The moment of the jazz concert

"When I released the first two songs of my father, he even came out because I did not know, the same musical style and the same sound changed, and in the singing demonstration there were a hundred new colors. "The subject has changed. I am known as a lyrical songwriter who talks a lot about feelings.

There are no more whistles and minors in new songs, they contain less poetry and more rebellions than our souls are. not contained, on what human beings can give to man, on feminism, on the equality of rights, on love as absolute … Philosophy and existentialism have disappeared nowhere "(1965, p.
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