Pharmacists: after the introduction of an early price list, some drugs may be missing


Patient organizations say worry about the effect of cheaper drugs and the amount of premiums. Pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies say the final list of reimbursed drugs was received just one day before it came into effect and some pharmacy drugs may not survive, while cheaper drugs may become more expensive.

to wait for transplants. According to the head of the badociation, Aušra Degutytė, after transplantation, patients use up to 12 types of drugs, and if several drugs are replaced by cheaper generics, they can have side effects [19659002] "If a person uses these ethical drugs for generations, she will never know the body will react. These changes affect – usually weakness, uncontrolled blood pressure regulation. These feelings are really. When it comes to the survival of the transplanted organ, this indicator will only be felt much later, "explains A. Degutytë.

Doctors also say that there are many doubts about the composition of the new list of drugs. professionals, endocrinologists, have not heard, and our opinion has not been asked, but in fact it is insulin, although the name is common, but these are not preparations completely identical. It is completely different in composition, different chemical structures and have different effects on drugs. These are not the same drugs that can be changed from day to day. The same situation with other people not only with insulins, but also with other groups reducing glycemic drugs – they are not quite equal, "- said the head of the Clinic of Endocrinology, Kaunas Clinics Prof. Rasa Verkauskienė

Patients with kidney disease say that they have bitter experience after the introduction of the latest drug scale

"For a few months we have had to pay these drugs for rejection of the kidney even though it was always free. A person spends his budget and really worries, he does not know how much he will spend on these drugs. So change, if for a year or more often, and now, so often, just get lost, "said the patient Rima Petrolienė.

According to Health Minister Aurelius Verygos, after the introduction of 39, a new price list, the state will save.In exact measure, it says not yet known.

"We will use these savings to increase compensation levels for other drugs. In general, drugs that have been offset, for example, 80%, will now be reimbursed at 100%. With the exception of cardiology, which is very high, the level of their remuneration should go from 80 to 90%. "AT. Veryga promised

Patients will also save on reduced premiums

"The difference between the cheapest and the most expensive drug make up 40 percent In this case, the new upper limit of bonuses is set at a level no greater than not 20%. "If the drug is more expensive than the 20 euros, it will not exceed 4,11 euros in this case," said Tom Alonder, head of the Department of Pharmacology and Drug Prices at the Ministry of Health. The Minister of Health does not hide it either.

"For the majority of patients, these bonuses will go down.Where there are very few, they could have increased symbolically, because pharmacies are not charities, they must earn money Prices have changed in principle so that patients save a lot of money, "said Veryga

When the list of new prescription and reimbursement drugs came into effect, patients, doctors, manufacturers of drugs and pharmacies still did not know which drugs will be replaced by generics.

"It was not until Tuesday night that we had the latest figures, what drugs are falling and what drug prices will be in the list. new price list. We only have one day to adapt. What to talk about the doctors who did not have access to the new price list. Imagine the complexity of pharmacies because we have to buy new drugs and we must also return to the producers of residual drugs, that they do not take forever, because the Patient Fund does not do its work in time timely ". Council President Kristina Nemaniūtė-Gagė.

Drug companies say Scandinavian countries are reporting changes planned a year ago so everyone can prepare. According to medical representatives and pharmaceutical manufacturers, after the introduction of the hasty price list, some drugs may be missing from the market.

"This rush can lead to a shortage of drugs, because any medication should be ordered six months ago. We can not produce these drugs tomorrow, they will produce them only after six months. If, for example, the Ministry today excludes some medicines from compensation, it means increase the use of another drug, and this drug may be a fundamental failure ", – says Algimantas Blažys, General Manager of UAB Berlin Chemie Menarini Baltic.The medicinal tablets may disappear now with compensated drugs.Buying less of them, the manufacturers will no longer be willing to import them.Since the entry into force of the New refund policy, Thursday, about 200 thousand. Patients may need to change at least one of the medications that they take. [Fonction] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, argument): n.queue.push (argument)}; if (! f ._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0> n.queue = []; t = b.createElement ( e); t.async =! 0; t.defer =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, script, //');fbq(& # 39; init, # 1720142964883079 & # 39;); fbq ("track", "Pageview"); [ad_2]
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