Plans for significant changes for nursing parents and loved ones at home


January 1, 2017, The current law on social insurance by the choice of the family of one of the parents (adopters) or a person appointed by the procedure established as Guardian of the child is prohibited by the State Social Insurance for Pensions and Unemployment

. Persons whose insured income in the calendar months of the relevant period is less than the amount of the MMA for the same period are prohibited by the payment of the missing state funds up to the MMA amount of the socialization. The amount of insurance premiums is positive in the press release of the Green Union of Lithuanian Peasants

. According to him, other social benefits for children under five were in force in 2017 and the procedure for paying these premiums was valid. There were no social security contributions in the amount of the sum of the MMA.

The people who have been cared for leave for a child under 3 years old since 1995. January 1 until 1995 December 31 was not excluded from the social insurance of the State with state funds, and from 2003 January 1 in 2016 December 31 According to the green leader of the peasant, Ramūnas Karbauskis, the registered project aims to restore these funds with the funds of 39 State, applying the criteria and guarantees of such insurance valid during this period.

"As a result, socially vulnerable people with the lowest incomes who have raised children in the specified time periods will increase social security and their interests will be adequately insured – the prerequisites for acquiring the child care record. 39, social insurance required retirement, an adequate amount allowance are made, "says the press release.

It is estimated that the project will affect 259 thousand people, from 1995-2016.

The proposed amendment to the law also proposes to equalize the social insurance guarantees, according to the "peasants", to people who are essentially in a similar situation – the homeless of care. established the specific need for continuing care for nurses whose care was provided with the need for continuing care (badistance)

To date (as of January 1, 2000), only nurses whose nurses require nursing care permanent, but not the need for constant care.

"The number of persons who, since 2000, 1 January were not prohibited, and who, because of these legal loopholes, suffered from 2000-2008 is 11.5 thousand," says the Press release.

It is estimated that in 2019, will need 10 million

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