Politicians are keen to ban the appearances of wildlife after the incident in the Klaipėda circus


The Ministry of the Environment, which is currently preparing the Wildlife Act, promises to ban the use of wild animals in circuses

The Deputy Mayor of Environment, Martynas Norbutas, said Friday that the laws to be drafted will impose more restrictions on the conditions and the mistreatment of wildlife.

"The circus is one of the places where these violations are more frequent. […] The Animal Act should provide for a provision that would restrict the activities of circuses in Lithuania", – said the Vice-Chancellor. Minister

According to Mr. Norbuto, the law will provide more conditions for zoos, but they will not be banned in the dolphinarium. Kreistis Mažeika, chairman of the Commission for the Protection of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, said the committee will begin hearings in August on proposals to end the use of wild animals.

"I think we are sufficiently prepared for this.The practice of foreign countries also shows that in the 21st century this behavior with animals is really inappropriate," the SNB told the political press

The democratic socialist Dovilė Šakalienė, a democratic socialist, with parliamentarian Linu Balsis, protested against the ban on wildlife in 24 European countries

"A wild animal usually walks several kilometers a day, protecting his territory, instinctively avoiding a person.

The State Food and Veterinary Service promises to check if a lost bear actually participates in the representation of the circus in Klaipeda

Nikolai Zobov, director of "Cirque des Chênes" "asked the veterinarian until Friday night to show that the animals appearing in the circus were in good health.

A man in business res A. Urbonas, who shared a video of a feysbuke circus, said it reminded him of horror. in the eyes of the VIP circus in Klaipėda, which looks more like horror … A stingy animal, who abuses an old man abnormally with a hand in hand, is definitely a circus ghost .. ", – wrote the businessman, argued that the animals appearing are in good health and well-maintained Rimi, and she liked the show in Klaipeda for most viewers.

" For he himself did not even see … After all, his children came back and cried. This could ask children if their psyche is normal? What are we talking about? Do you want to ban animals in a circus? Maybe our ministers are murderers who have hunting tickets, moose, deer and women wearing leopard fur coats.

In 2008, the grave of N. Zobov pulled the scourge of the sarge circus.

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