Presentation by D. Howard in Washington is a massive statement and a joke about the quirks


32-year-old 211-cm midfielder Dwight Howard was waiting to be interviewed at a press conference in Washington DC on the wanderings of the National Basketball Association ( NBA) In recent years

"Magic", D. Hovard replaced four teams until this summer he signed an agreement with the Washington Wizards. The American was ready to laugh at the answer to this question.

"I was magical for eight years (represented by Magic – Autumn), then I traveled to La La Land (Lakers), later I learned to handle rockets. (Rockets), I learned to fly with hawks, hornets, and finally, he taught me to become a magician, "- joked D. Howard.

said that Wizards would like End his career

"I plan to be here until the end. In this city, this team is where I want to finish my career, "said the American.

In Washington, D.Howard will spend a season and work under a mid-level exclusion contract. That means he'll earn $ 8.6 million in the season.

Last season, he climbed 16.6 points (56% of the colonies), 12.5 rebounds, 1.3 of 1, and 1, 6 blocked throws.

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