President of the Association of Maritime Handling Companies: it is better not to talk about wages in the port of Klaipėda Business


BKT, a Belarusian fertilizer company, Belaruskalij fertilizer, has been a leader in the port of Klaipeda for several years. This year, the company has already reloaded about 5 million. tons of goods and the leader in these volumes.

In 2017, BKT reloaded a record cargo volume – nearly 8.3 mln. tonnes, nearly 17%. more than the previous year (7.1 million tonnes). Even the fact that the reconstruction work was being done on the docks managed by it was not hindered by the company. The docks used by the company have been rebuilt to allow the future to deepen the water area up to 16.5 m depth and to receive Post Panamax vessels. with a draft of & # 39; maximum allowable during reconstruction and the & # 39; depletion of the harbor channel to 17 meters [19659002Pourlapremièrefoislestravauxontétéeffectuéssansarrêtdechargement-lesbateauxontétéamarrésetchargéssurlequaietlesouvriersdelacompagnie"LatvijasTilti"onttravaillésurlestravauxdeconstruction"19659002"Lesentrepreneursappliquentunetellepratique-ilssortentdesquaisilstravaillentlàoùilsveulentenvironunanetdemi

quality work contract was signed with the help of management, where it was planned to organize the work in order to minimize load disturbances, – said V.Dambrauskas. – The reconstruction was divided into four stages of one hundred meters. He simultaneously allowed the loading of a large ship and the remaining hundred meters – a small boat.

The head of the company predicts that in the following years the turnover in this company will increase by 7-9%, so the Port Authority invests on the docks, whose reconstruction cost 8 , 96 million. Eur, repay next year.

The shameful salary does not pay

On the wages of this port company V.Dambrauskas speaks half-lip because he has already learned that the stuff that the company is able to pay for shameful unpaid wages is heard in various languages ​​

  J. Photo by Andriejauskaitė / 15min / Vidmantas Dambrauskas

J. Andriejauskaite / 15min foto / Vidmantas Dambrauskas

"Go where you can pay, you have to raise your rent and so on, although you can enjoy it.When I heard that the Neringa district deputy wins 525 euros … We do not offend, everyone is enough.To cry that he can not pay at least 1 200 euros … There is no wages of 600 euros in the port ", – said V.Dambrauskas.

Some time ago, Prime Minister S.Skvernelis visited the port. V.Dambrauskas, who had the opportunity to communicate with him, hopes that the conversation will bring to the fruit and language the need for changes in the port system of Klaipeda.

Port companies use land and wharves owned by the state. The company 's budget is supplemented by other taxes, including a tax on each ton of goods loaded. The Port receives revenue, investing funds in the management of the harbor environment – reconstruction of the wharves, deepening, etc.

According to V.Dambrauskas, this model is a perfect example of how a business can thrive between two participants, a private company and a state.

"Do not move, we do not shake the tree that produces fruit.Do not try cow after the meadow, which gives the most milk to everyone, – said V.Dambrauskas. – Rarely say words of thanks, but I want to personally thank the Prime Minister, he was at the port in May, I do not have the exact knowledge, but before May, there were various considerations and suggestions. We rebelled, arguing that nothing should be done, and when we arrived at the Prime Minister, we had a quiet, quiet and questionable conversation, and some problems came to an end, and in the Prime Minister's eyes we saw an absolute understanding that one of the best systems in Lithuania must be protected and treated with great caution. "

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