Price Decline: Premium Limits for Refundable Medicines


July 12, 2018 will come into force. Reimbursable drug prices in the third quarter, which will further reduce drug prices for patients. If the "cap" bonus is set for the compensated drugs, the premium will not exceed EUR 4.11 in the case of a 100% refund. In addition, the new pricing of medicines and the reduced prices of pharmaceutical companies have resulted in significant savings on budget and medical surcharges, which has enabled the reimbursement of more active substances.

According to the Minister of Health, Aurelius Verygos In the midst of implementing the first steps to reduce the benefits to patients, the amount of premiums for patients decreased by about 18%, but the premiums are still quite high. The new price list was developed in accordance with the new methodology and aimed to ensure that the amount paid by patients for the drugs would not be directly dependent on the prices offered by the producers. . Thus, after setting the highest possible premium for patients, people will save about 7.3 million a year. "- Minister A. Veryga says.

The WHO has long pointed out that drugs for outpatient treatment are the main reason why the entire population is experiencing unbearable costs.According to experts, in Lithuania, it is necessary not only set a ceiling for patient premiums, but also equalize compensation levels and create a supplementation system for low-income patients

In implementing expert recommendations, it is envisaged to Therefore, in the near future, it is expected to increase the level of reimbursement of drugs for diseases, which are compensated for 80 and 90%. "Kristina Nemaniūtė-Gagė, President of the Board of Directors of the Lithuanian Pharmacy Association, congratulates the Ministry of Health of the decision to increase the percentage of compensation for drugs

"The man did not choose a disease, regardless of K. Nemaniūtė-Gagė expresses the hope that 100% of patients will be reimbursed for future patients in cardiology.

The representative of the Lithuanian Pharmacy Association also invites all patients who come to the pharmacy and have not found their use. on the list of medications to be reimbursed, to work with pharmacists or, if necessary, with referring physicians and, depending on their advice and financial abilities, to choose the most appropriate medication for them. According to K. Nemaniūtė-Gagė, pharmacists and pharmaceutical specialists who work there, it is important that patients who come to the pharmacy not only have the opportunity to buy drugs at an affordable price, but also to choose [19659007]. news for patients – 7 new active substances appear in this price, so doctors can choose the drug that best suits them by administering drugs. New drugs for the treatment of end-stage cancer pain, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, asthma, melanoma, without BRAF positive mutation, ovarian and / or ovarian cancer, lung cancer and bad and other diseases. In addition, thanks to targeted savings in the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund from July 1, the number of compensated diapers has been increased and the circle of patients receiving these diapers has been expanded. Medications can also receive more patients.

"Drug companies have saved a considerable amount of PSDF funding when they have reduced their prices for drugs that have been on the market for a long time and are manufactured by many manufacturers. and patients whose medications have been compensated until now have lost money. In addition, there are more opportunities to compensate for completely new, extremely expensive and highly therapeutic drugs, "- said Minister K. Garuolienė.

After the economies come into effect, the savings would help to to compensate for more active substances later on, all active substances administered to patients and patients will be guaranteed continuity of treatment with drugs that are of little benefit to the patient

Valdas Sutkus, President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Enterprises, emphasizes that only the best way of doing business with the state can be achieved

. "Only the guarantee of the competitiveness of the legislation and the work of companies and state institutions can bring citizens Lithuanians to be satisfied with the results, "said the President of the Confederation of Lithuanian Enterprises. Patient Fund will not be late and the new prescription price lists will be validated in time, as the current situation in which companies and patients get specific information for such a short time is intolerable. Patients suffer because neither doctors nor pharmacists have the opportunity to introduce them to innovations in time. In addition, pharmacies exposed to a significant problem of unexpected drug residues suffer from the fact that manufacturers who have abandoned the refundable drugs do not return the drug.

Most manufacturers have submitted the highest possible prices. For certain drugs whose manufacturers have not reduced their prices to meet the highest requirements but which are essential for the treatment of patients and not interchangeable, it has been decided to recalculate the basic prices so that patient do not exceed the maximum patient benefit. , e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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