Prince Harry leaned his fingers on the boy's face with Meghan's hair and face: watch video | names


One of the cute clashes took place on Wednesday in the royal couple in Ireland. Harry and Meghan attended the Croke Park stadium at the Gleach Athletics Association, where they had the opportunity to chat with athletes and their children.

For everyone, a three-year-old boy, Walter Cullen, While Meghan was in contact with other children, he began to twist his hair and turned to the duke.

Meghan was not crying and was not angry at the behavior of such a child – he took his boyfriend friendly and started talking to him. Harry, however, decided to step in – not a finger swung his boyfriend to do it.

This episode was captured by the camera and can be seen here:

VIDEO: Prince Harry leaned his finger at the boy Later, Harry amused himself with the camera. other children, whose youngest had a funny smile, and one of them let his beard touch

The behavior of this prince reminded us a lot last fall when a little girl led the world Scanpix / AP Photo / Harry Princess and Duke of Sabad Meghan "rel =" happy image "src =" ir-sasekso-hercogiene-meghan-5b4730896976c.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Scanpix / AP Photo / Princess Harry and Duke of Sabad Meghan

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