Problem "Dynamic: Energy": overhaul of the whole day BMW


Dynamite Energy Racing Team begins to disrupt this weekend during the 1006 km Aurum race in Palanga. One of the favorites of the A3000 category during the first two days spent more time in the garage than on the track.

Three gearboxes per day

The regular winners of the Aurum 1006 km had their first problems Thursday. Matukaitis, Aiste Antanaitytė-Matukaitė, Danas Azikejevas and Aurimas Mištautas, during their free training sessions, noticed that their car was having trouble driving

The crew engineers decided to change any the gearbox for a long time.

However, on Friday, the problem with the gearshift recommenced, finally the gear lever was simply stuck in place

  Mantas Matukaitis (photo of Egidijus Babelis), the driver of the car, [19659007] Mantas Matukaitis (Egidijus Babelio) </p>
<p>  "We have replaced two gearboxes, and the same problem has not been solved.It is new and good, so it should not be so easy to break in. We quickly realized that someone in the car had "picked them up." We received help from the country and together we found the main problem – that's it. is a modified impbade We have set the standard, the problem has been solved ", – Mr. Matukaitis revealed the portal. </p>
<p>  Still, the adventures of the team are not over yet. The mechanics joke that in a few days in Palanga they rebuilt this BMW M3 because almost all the nodes have been re-selected. </p>
<p>  Also, change the crankshaft pulley, clutch, brakes and gear box cover to re-motorize the engine. <strong> During the race – too little time </strong></p>
<p>  All of the problems mentioned above seriously disrupted the team's plans, as each of the kathyri riders on the Palanga circuit spent very little time in training </p>
<p>  Experimental cars in clbad X1 ", – joked Mr. Matukaitis </p>
<p>  Danas Azikejev, the newcomer to these races, was the hardest hit by these experiments and mechanical problems. [19659006] Dynami Team: t Energy Racing (photo Egidijus Babelis) “title =” Dynami: équipe Energy Racing “(Photo par Egidijus Babelio ) “src =”×654/2/63/7c/95/637c95f1253009d7f1eb7a5090057d41.jpg?v=×654&m=2&f=/Uploads/UGallery/photos /8b/14/9f/08/8b149f086a7f39115ae5c3e0a9ffbed0.jpg “/> </p>
<p clbad= "Dynami Team: t Energy Racing" (P. Egidijus Babelio)

In the Lithuanian Race Championship, this athlete rides a similar BMW car, but the new units still have to get used to it.He also saw the road to Palanga for the first time.

"There were very few car trips on the track, so the drive was not not enough. It is good that the track is not technically very complicated, that it is not very difficult, so all the points where you have to stop are well planned, "said Dan Azikeev

. The next day, the car mechanic was finally able to get the car out of the garage just before qualifying.

  Dynami Team: t Energy Racing (photo by Egidijus Babelas) title =

Dynami Team: t Energy Racing (photo of 39; Egidijus Babelis)

Mantas Matukaitis, who drove the wheel, showed the fourth fastest time in the A3000 category and was handed over to the rally tomorrow Auriga Mištautui, to make it upset by the new J & # 39; s adjusted the car

"Qualification was another training session for us. We drove not quite in combat mode, but the result is good. The most important thing for us was not to force ourselves against weaker cars so that tomorrow at the start of the race we would not waste time bending them ", – Mr. Matukaitis revealed the nuances of the tactics

races and tomorrow can fight for victory in the A3000 clbad.

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