Pussy Riot took responsibility for the incident during the World Cup final


The French team was on the way to victory on Sunday, while in the second half the match was briefly suspended.

A security source at the Interfax news agency said that four people who had been intruded in the square, and who were soon stretched by police officers, were taken to the local police station for interrogation. . [4] 19659003] VIDEO: Pussy Riot raced on the field during the FIFA 2018 finals

Pussy Riot immediately badumed responsibility in social networks and published a list of six political requirements

" Launch All Political Prisoners "- says

The implicit protest was held by Russian President Vladimir Putin watching the match in the VIP lounge with the Presidents of France and Croatia, Emmanuel Macron and Kolinda Grabar- Kitarovic.

After the Russian game In social networks, a video broadcast on which two protesters, still in police uniform, are seen in a police station. Internet TV "Dozd" reported that one of them is Petr Verzilov, one of the most famous members of the group.

P.Verzilov says: "I am behind Russia, just like you, if you are for Russia."

"Sometimes I want to be 1937," says the man behind the cameras, mentioning the year when Stalinist repressions reached their peak.

"Pussy Riot" was the most famous for the protest song in the Moscow Department in February 2012. Three members of the group were convicted of "hooliganism of religious hatred" for this performance. Their trial was at the center of the world media and provoked protests from rights groups.

Nadezhda Tolokonikova and Maria Aliochina were sentenced to two years imprisonment and released after nine months

Ekaterina Samucevič, third two months was released probation

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