Regarding the newly approved price list – 200 thousand. Patients will have to change at least one drug – Delfi's health


2018 9 July 11:27

Since July 1, which was to come into effect in 2018. Q3 the price list for the refund will become relevant only on July 12. It includes fewer manufacturers and medications, which means that 200,000 patients will have to change their habits.

In the absence of one or more drugs on the market, other manufacturers would objectively not be able to arrange deliveries.

It was found that after the application of the new procedure, the number of manufacturers decreased and almost a quarter of the countervailing drugs remained in the price list, which resulted in the treatment 200,000 patients with cardiovascular, pulmonary, central nervous system, oncology and other diseases. They will need to change their medications, "said Rasa Bričkienė, director of the Association of Drug Manufacturers, with implications for the new order.

A total of 1950 drugs were featured in the price list initial publication on May 11 of this year.In the approved price list, 1584 remained, 366 medicinal preparations not meeting the requirements of the procedure.More than 200 drugs that do not comply with the order of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, because of the unique and necessary nature of the patients, are reported in the media

"The revision of the versions of the seven price lists required significant administrative costs. During the course of the proceedings, there were many exceptional cases that we asked the department to resolve. Leave more than 200 drugs at the price of a separate decision from the Ministry of Commerce, which will require doctors to check whether the reimbursement of a drug is important for the patient to receive a new or continuous treatment. This is extra work for doctors, even though it was meant to reduce the burden of medication. The issue of drug supply remains unclear, "said Rasa Bričkienė

" We are very concerned that after the adoption of the new list of compensatory drugs, patients will be denied the opportunity to treat composite drugs. This is especially true in elderly patients with cardiology and comorbidities who will need to take one dose instead of taking one tablet at a time. The new price list also significantly reduced the choice of the drug, which would have a negative effect on the patient's choice of medication for individual and effective treatment. It takes about a few months or half a year for the patient to adapt to the drug, and for others, up to a year. This will undoubtedly affect not only the patient's habits, but also his health, since it will often be necessary to change and combine the drugs, "said Vida Augustinienė, president of the Council of Representatives of Lithuanian Patient Organizations

. calculations and modeling, but did not get a positive result. The Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers presented its proposals on how to modify the premiums to increase the number of drugs in the reimbursement order, not to discriminate between different groups of producers and to prevent them from being discriminated against. apply the same dose clbadification for all drugs.

If the department implements the following suggestions:

patients will have a wider choice of reimbursement drugs,
will reduce patient costs for prescriptive drugs;
will prevent breaks in drug supply. v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (argument)}; if (! f._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, script, / /connect.facebook.n and / en_US / fbevents.js); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39;, & # 39; 1720142964883079 & # 39;); fbq ('track', 'Pageview'); [ad_2]
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