Residents turn to more and more waste electronic equipment


According to the EGIO report, the Kaunas Waste Management Center alone collected 139.5 tonnes of unused electricity last year, according to the EGIO report, according to the information provided by the Organization of Electronic Manufacturers and Importers (EGIO). In 2016 and 2015, e-waste was collected at 137.5 and 98.5 tonnes, respectively.

"In 2015, five new bulky waste collection sites started to operate, raising awareness and increasing the amount of waste, and increasing the waste of electronic equipment ( refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, televisions, dishwashers, irons, kettles, etc.) is influenced by the provision of these equipments and the capacity of the population to replace the old ones Ecologist Jurgita Baziliauskiene

According to the Report, it is obvious that the inhabitants of the city usually present a complete set of old electronic equipment, when the rural inhabitants tend to dismantle the material and to add themselves some of their details. can not only be thrown into household waste containers, but also be disposed of by their own hazardous substances. Electrical and electronic products can only be collected and recycled by authorized waste management companies, "reports Veronika Masalienė, head of EGIO

There are currently 10 regional waste management centers in Lithuania. The centers take care of waste disposal from container collection to complete waste management (recycling). Residents of the electronic equipment, as well as batteries and accumulators, as well as other waste can also be delivered to bulky waste disposal sites set up by municipalities (in Lithuania, there are nearly 100). Addresses of sites and other waste disposal sites can be found on the website

Only EGIO currently has 152 specialized facilities for the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment and organizes waste collection of nearly 1.1 thousand. distribution facilities throughout the country. Waste will not be charged to residents of the above-mentioned sites and, for some unused household appliances, revenue may be paid to collectors and processors of secondary raw materials.

In 2017, nearly 30,000 members of EGIO sold 7.2 th. tons of domestic electronic equipment, and collected and processed nearly 4 thousand.

EGIO recalls that wastes that enter the environment (water, soil or atmosphere) can pollute them with hazardous toxic materials (mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium) and cause a lot of damage to nature. Waste recycling produces secondary raw materials that not only do not pollute the environment and do not harm human health, but also reduce the cost of various new products and protect natural resources.

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