Robbie Williams' daughter will be a flower girl during Princess Eugene's royal wedding | names


Robbie Williams and his wife, Ayda Field, have been friends of the royal family for many years, particularly well suited to Princess Eugene and her older sister Beatrice

. Even a flower girl will be with Princess Charlotte (3 years old). Two other girls – Princess Eugenie's daughter of the baptism of Maud Windsor (4 years old) and Ines de Givenchy, daughter of Olivier and Zoe de Givenchy of the newlyweds – will interpret this post.

  Scanpix photo / Robbie Williams and Ayda Field

Scanpix photo / Robbie Williams and Ayda Field

Well, the so-called wedding of "Princess Eugenie" will be Prince George (4 years old) and Louis de Givenchy, son of a young couple.

15min recalls that on the wedding of Princess Eugene and Jack Brooksbank was announced by the Royal Palace in January of this year after returning from vacation to Nicaragua, where the True commitment took place

Princess Eugenie with her elected on October 12 in the same Saint. Photo Scene / Princess Eugenie and her fiance Jack Brooksbank "rel =" content-image "src =" 5b475b6b89c8c.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Photo Scanpix / Princess Eugenie and her fiancée Jack Brooksbank

Prince William's first cousin and Harry, Eugenie, met her elector in 2010 to ski in the Swiss mountains. The future princess is a director at the Mahiki Cocktail Bar, located in the popular area of ​​London Mayfair Princess Eugenie is the youngest daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, the youngest daughter of her son, Prince Andrew (58) She is ninth in the queue to the throne of the United Kingdom.

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