Royal Baptism soon: Announcement of Who will become Prince of Louis the Prophet | names


The royal couple, baptizing their youngest son, supported the idea that their parents would be the parents of closest relatives or members of other royal families in Europe, and close friends.

In this way, the royal couple strives to have a close relationship with

The following six friends of William and Catherine became the goddess of Prince Louis:

  • M. Nicholas van Cutsem – The childhood friend of Prince William
  • M. Guy Pelly – Prince The Friend Of William
  • Harry Aubrey-Fletcher – The Friend Of Princess William
  • Ledi Laura Meade – The Wife Of William A royal couple (her husband James, a nephew of Prince William, is a goddess of Princess Charlotte)
  • Mrs. Robert Carter (Hannah Gillingham) – The friend of the school Catherine of the Duke of Cambridge [19659005] Panel of Lucy Middleton – Duchess of Cameroon Catherine Cousin

The baptism of the little prince will be held St. James in the Royal Chapel of London. Prince George, the firstborn of the couple, was baptized in the same chapel, to which this month will be five.

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