Some footballers who have played successfully and won awards in the World Cup have shown that they had a good heart.
Ante Rebicius, the victorious Croatian, paid 500 people in total and about 500 of them. The young footballer of 19 years Kylian Mbappe, best footballer of all time, won the title of best young footballer born in Split at the age of 19, at the age of 19, in Italy for the club of Fiorentina. , given to charity. 470 thousand It was given to an organization that trains sick and disabled children for free.
There are many similar examples in the world of football, where stars get unimaginable prizes. For example, two years after the win at the European Championship, Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo has transferred 275,000 to the fund to fight childhood cancer.
The German national team, Mesut Ozil, who won the planet in 2014, paid 23 casinos to Brazilian children. The footballer has spent 400,000 on a big goal.
To stay beautiful
In the bad nights of summer, you have to let the skin breathe, so do not use thick and greasy cream.
On hot days, feeling refreshed and refreshed can be helped by special body dust or toner or refreshing lotion.
According to specialists, body dust that is not only revives the body, but also gives it the necessary protection against the effects of free radicals
Funny Thicknesses
Two hunters discovered fresh tiger feet in the village
– Go see where he went, – suggested one.
– What about you?
– I will go to the opposite side, see where he comes from. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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