Russia kissing during the World Championship Soccer Storms in China Sport


The video shows how Jeon Gwang-Ryeol, working on the South Korean TV channel MBN and broadcasting information about the World Cup in Russia, was taken seriously by two Russian football fans

. Interestingly, it happened a few days ago when other supporters were criticized for trying to kiss a live reporter

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where the country's largest portal, Weibo, asked his readers if the act of Russian partisans should not receive the same criticism as male followers .

"These cases are very different," writes one of Weib's visitors. ? "- Asked another, having come to the question with hundreds of spouses .

" If a person who looks good looks at kisses, it is not badual harbadment ", sarcastically wrote the third

that the actions of men and women are generally not treated the same way.Others recalled that the term "handsome" is often used in the media, although only women are described.

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