S.Wilbekin goes to Maccabi


  S.Wilbekin is ready to

The Darussafak Istanbul club brought American Scottie Wilbekin to the throne of the tournament after being "hacked". Two basketball players from Istanbul, Anadolu Efes and Fenerbahci, came to the battle for this match. but the war was won by a Tel Aviv Maccabi club in the United States who agreed to pay $ 1 million to ransom Darussfakas in Istanbul and wear a Maccabi T-shirt for two seasons with the possibility of extending the contract for a another year.

The snooker of the European Cup has been difficult to stop – last season, on average, he scored 18.9 points, took over 2.6 points and made 5.1 points in the final transfer, in setting a score of 20.7.

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