S.Wilbekin of Anadolu Efes caught up with Maccabi, who did not have an impressive ransom.


Scottie Wilbekin received a lot of attention from European teams and finally won the fight without a ransom from the Tel Aviv Maccabi team. It is reported that she agreed to pay $ 1 million to the Daruschafak Club in Istanbul. Dollars

The defender will sign the contract according to the formula "2 plus 1".

He was very eager to Anadolu Efes from Istanbul, who seemed to be in agreement with S.Wilbekin, but the size of the ransom did not satisfy the club, but did not miss the compromises from Daruschafaka and apparently did not fall

. Wilbekin scored a total of 18.9 points in the first half of the year, rebounded 2.6 in the ball, completed 5.1 on a turnout and scored 20.7 points.

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