Scandal Meghan Markle distinguished with his father: the royal family still can not forgive


The source of the royal palace told reporters that Sabad's new sister and his father had not spoken for a month.

"Meghan has not engaged with Thomu since the day of the wedding," the source confirmed. because he interviewed, although he was not asked to do it

Here's what it's all about. another close source says: "Thomas must stop, or relations with Meghan"

"Thomas walks in the line plonyte.He must keep his tongue behind his teeth, otherwise the relationship with his daughter and jaw is seriously threatened. It's a question of whether Thomas will ever be able to meet Prince Harry.However, the royal palace can not forgive him. "

A source close to Thom Markle says that" Thomas just loves his girl and swear never to want to focus on the interview, and the most important is to protect Meghan. "19659007] It is strictly forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other sites, in the media or elsewhere or distribute our material in whatever form it is without consent, and if consent is obtained, it is necessary to indicate DELFI as the source.

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