Scandal shocked by the Lithuanian football team defeating Sri Lanka | Sport


In the first match, the Lithuanians who did not play their match scored two goals out of three in the end zone this time. The 30-minute Lithuanian striker came by Laurynas Stonkus.

Simon Urbys doubled in the 59th minute after the corner

Sri Lankan footballers just hit the goal area and made no goals.

In the first duel that took place after a long day after a long trip, ours had After the first game, the team was shaken by a scandal when veteran experienced Vytautas Lukšas and Tadas Eliošius were eliminated. The federation would have violated the discipline.

FIFA's ranking in Sri Lanka is only 200th. The international football match in this country took place for the first time after an interruption of 20 months

The reserve created by E.Jankauskas comes from the clubs of the players of the League A who do not take part in the selection of the Champions League and the European League. Sri Lanka – Lithuania 0: 2

59 min. INTRODUCTION Simonas Urbys led the ball to the door and doubled the score

First round: Sri Lanka – Lithuania 0: 1

30 min. INTRODUCTION Laurynas Stonkus has advanced Lithuania. After a mess in the penalty area, the ball fell from Sri Lankan defenders. Lithuania has secured it at the door.

In the XIth Lithuanian match against Sri Lanka: T.Krapikas, V.Gaspuitis, T.Snapkauskas, Sig. Urbys, A.Tručinskas, M.Dapkus, J.Raziūnas, M.Ramanauskas, T.Elišius, Sim. Urbys, L.Stonkus.

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